Monday, February 1, 2010

If you live in Iraq, would you be Asian too

If you live in Iraq, would you be Asian too?
I am born an Iraq and I was thinking about that since Iraq is in Asia..i might be Asian?
Other - Cultures & Groups - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
nope Arabian
2 :
3 :
well yeah cux its located in Asian duh!
4 :
It is not black and white, geography isn't written like that nowadays You are Middle Eastern. period
5 :
Yes Iraq is in Asia. But most call them self middle eastern. Its kinda like a Mexican American calling himself American but he would explain his nationality as Mexican or Hispanic.
6 :
Yes, you are Asian by virtue of being born on the Asian continent. However, the word "Asian" has come to specifically refer to Orientals. You aren't from the Oriental part of Asia, you are from the Arabian part of Asia.
7 :
no you are arabian
8 :
NO ur ARAB but if u were IRANian u would be PERSIAN and NO iraq is NOT in ASIA where u get this stuff from
9 :
nope, i'd still be white.

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