Saturday, January 1, 2011

How bad is the army? Living in Iraq and fighting in the war

How bad is the army? Living in Iraq and fighting in the war?
How bad is the army? Living in Iraq and fighting in the war? I want to know how bad the circumstances in the army are. Or is it fun traveling to Iraq and living amongst a new culture? Is the army worse than jail?
Military - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Fun? No, I would not use that word to describe going to Iraq as an American - they completely despise us right about now and have every reason to - here's some pages to check out before you think about signing up. You should also do a google or you-tube search for actual personal experiences of others who have been there.
2 :
It is no vacation, and the military is not worse than jail. It is an honor and a privilege to serve the country that gives me liberty and freedom. All Americans should do some form of service for their country (military or civil service). Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. Wise words. I have been there twice (Ramadi and Al Hillah) and had a good time.
3 :
Many people are killing themselves to avoid going back. It is that bad.
4 :
I love the Army. A lot of people think that all we do is deploy and fight. Although we do deploy for 12 months at a time, there is also down time between deployments that usually lasts longer than 12 months. Its a 9 to 5 job most of the time. Going to Iraq is different for everybody. I was excited when I went. It was scary, but it was great to be part of history. I'm Infantry which means that I was in the worst conditions possible. The Army should never be compared to jail, its a career choice that millions of Americans have made.
5 :
Depends on what kind of person you are really, I've never met a person who didn't want to go back to Iraq.
6 :
Being there was the most exciting time in my life
7 :
You're really not exposed to a lot of the "culture" of Iraq while you're there. What you'll do while you're there depends on what your job is. My husband is currently deployed over there and between missions spends the majority of time playing xbox.. I wouldn't say its horrible, nor would he, but the missions aren't exactly a peace of cake. Its hot, sandy and miserable outside.. so if you have a job that takes you outside a lot, I can imagine you'd think it was a lot worse than my husband does. He describes the weather as someone blowing a hot hair dryer on you and rubbing sand in your skin and lungs... I wouldn't even compare life in the army with jail. Army life is a choice, jail is a punishment. In the Army you have the ability to make the best of the situation you're in and its always temporary..
8 :
fun? Hell no it isn't fun, my youngest brother fresh out of high school saw his best friend splattered to bits in front of him. To this day, he has problems. He won't talk, he won't socialize, he is a mess. He was one of the first to arrive on the front lines. Grow up, and stop thinking war is isn't, never was never will be. you need to stop watching fairy tales
9 :
I can tell you do not know much About the Army. Are you considering joining? First of all, you dont live in Iraq. Once you complete basic training you will go to a duty station. This could be anywhere in the United States and could also be in Germany, Italy, Japan and other countries around the world. It all depends on what job you get! You will live and work at that duty station with your unit. Its not too bad, you meet a lot of people that will do anything for you, and you have a lot of fun. Its also different and more disciplined than the Civilian world, but its no prison. From there your unit might get deployed to Iraq for a year. Every job has different duties in Iraq, some are right in the middle of the action, and some are back on base supporting those who are in the middle of the action, and its really not that bad. Its a rewarding feeling knowing your doing something good for others, unless your not into that kind of thing.

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