Immigration - 4 Answers
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1 :
Apply for a visa at a foreign US Embassy. I understand some people from Iraq go to Jordan to apply. I hear we gave twice as many visas to Iraqi's this year as last year. Good luck!
2 :
If you are trying to say how can you come live in America from Iraq, then just forget about it. They won't let you in.
3 :
Just stay there!!!!!!!!! We don't want you!!!!! You might come here and use our trainings centers and do some terrorist activities. I would recommend you to just there. I don't even think the US will let you in. Jeeeeez what a question!!!!!!
4 :
Apply for a visa. Do everything the legal way. And don't listen to people like the one who said we don't want you. That is just one person who probably has had a bad batch of corn flakes this morning.
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