i'm a soldier in iraq living an a cop
Military - 5 Answers
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1 :
Umm...no. You get all the money you are going to get just by being in Iraq to start with. You don't get extra for being on a combat outpost.
2 :
There is no extra money, All soldiers get the same amounts, reguardless of rank, for hardship duty.
3 :
Let me guess. You've have asked this question in your unit and they told you know...and now your asking us? No more money then what your getting. sucks...I know, but hey, that is what we gotta deal with.
4 :
Hostile Fire Pay/Hardship Duty Pay is a set rate across the board. you wither qualify for it , or you don't. there are no extras based on MOS or duties if you are working outside your MOS. .
5 :
I know what you can do. Suck it up and drive on. I'm on R&R, and I've got about 13 days left before I go BACK to a C.O.P. If I gave you the C.O.P. number you'd surely know, as everyone has heard of this particular location. It sucks sometimes, but you joined the ARMY, not the AIR FORCE. Don't like it? Finish your time and switch branches, but odds are if you're complaining now, you always will. Want to make your deployment fly by? Smile, joke with your boys, and make the best of it. Godspeed, Doc
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