Monday, March 7, 2011

as osama bin laden does not live in iraq and is directly responsible for 9/11 wasnt it congress job

as osama bin laden does not live in iraq and is directly responsible for 9/11 wasnt it congress job ?
to kill him? or defending the american people just an option? sorry but iraq had nothing to do with 9-11 stop trying to sell on that FAILED argument. neo cons SO FAIL at war. bring Osama to justice bush yeah when did that EVER happen. Howard dean promised me his head in 2006 im still wiating. wouldnt you agree that a response to 9-11 must without execption be included with the violent death of Bin Laden? are you still wiating like me for the people who did it to hear from us? There were ZERO iraqs on the 9-11 planes as the 9-11 commison stated clearly? are you still one of the fools that thinks saddam did it after george w, bush said "iRaq had nothing to do with 9-11" ( university of portland speech 2002)? call me a missourian but id like to see the dead body. not that i dont have faith in our leaders . OH wiat i dont LOL i know andrew but the "bankrupt america for the sake of strangers " answer doesnt sit well sorry. andrew in response to your response yes its only 2% of the Gdp ,and when you put the cost of everywar from the revolutionary through vietnam next to iraq 2 they ALL match this one. and i argue ALL those wars had better spoils.
Elections - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There's good evidence to suggest that the guy is dead. Both Bhutto and Musharraf went on record with this, and there have been many other reports (CIA included) pointing to a similar outcome. If true, it means the US govt is trying to keep the big nasty man alive as a figurehead for the warrr on terrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
2 :
Look, its pretty simple. If the Coalition in Iraq pulled out now, they would be leaving the country to the numerous religious extremists, terrorists (there is a difference) and other people who just want to create havoc. It's not as simple as you think. Edit in response to edit: The cost of the war in Iraq since the start is less than 2% of the US GDP for that time.
3 :
No one cares about Bin Laden..he was a tool he is less harm then Michael Michael is a true nutcase
4 :
5 :
The Bush administration is trying to get him now. Typically they are doing it in a way that creates more instability in the world.
6 :
Sunni's and Shi'ite's generally do not work well together. Even their founders, Mohammad's son and brother-in-law (respectively) started on awful terms.
7 :
my friend....I was singing this song way back in 2003.....when we first bombed what the *&^&%*$^%#&$#%$@# did IRAQ have to do with 9-11? some of us intelligent beings knew that was all a charade from BEFORE Day 1. But........I was told to sit down and shut up by a bunch of flag waving yahoo's. (pardon the expression!) 7 years on........still no Osama............but still plenty of threats coming FROM Osama, according to the CIA......... so, what gives? I guess catching this guy, wasn't as important as catching Saddam, who did NOTHING to us???? Yeah, we hung him......but let Osama go.......... and now, let's vote republican AGAIN????? I don't freaking THINK so. Not in 2004...........certainly not in 2008.......and it will be a long time before anyone in that party gains my respect again. I like McCain......a decent moderate...but, no fracking way.
8 :
You are taking an overly simplistic look at it. Read Osama's 1998 FATWA in which he specifically mentions Iraq, then come back and tell me that regime change wasn't what had to be done. 1.6 million Iraqi children died as a result of UN sanctions (which were imposed as a result of Saddam's unprovoked aggression of Kuwait and defiance of U.N. resolutions) in the over decade long sanctions prior to regime change, since Saddam robbed from the relief for those sanctions we had no other way to improve the conditions in Iraq that were being used to rile up Islamofacists all over the world other than to go in and follow what was passed into US Policy in 1998 (Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 passed by both houses and signed by Bill Clinton) - IRAQ REGIME CHANGE. You also may want to check out Saddam in November 2000 essentially saying that he wants to declare economic warfare on the US and LITERALLY saying he wants to "punish us", he said all of this in front of the UN. Also, it was a purposeful move on Osama's part that the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia and if you looked at his relations with Saudi Arabia (a country that he had bad relationships with since they booted him) he pick Saudis to purposely make a point.
9 :
I still have a hard time understanding how people still can believe that Iraq was involved with 911....go figure.....
10 :
Did you know that after Bin Laden and his crew bombed the USS Cole, President Clinton had him in custody - and released him? Because he was worried about damaging our global image. Too bad he wasn't worried about future damage to the Twin Towers and thousands of innocent Americans. McCain/Palin.
11 :
No. It is the executive's constitutional responsibility to protect the country. That is why he is over the military and law enforcement.
12 :
Bin Laden will never be captured. He doesn't live in a cave in the hills of Pakistan. Have you ever seen photo's of the palaces in Saudi Arabia? They are the size of cities with luxuries beyond an average Americans dream. That is where he is, quite comfortable wanting for nothing and living the rest of his life in paradise. The real people responsible for 9/11 are still raking in the dollars 7 years later while America is on the verge of economic collapse. Isn't it funny that Bin Laden wanted to do just that, bring economic disaster to the U.S. ! Yet there are 44% of people (fools) who wouldn't know truth if they were looking right at it while a Republican stood by telling them not to believe their own eyes.

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