I was wondering, if there are military families presently living in Iraq at one of the Bases or Camps in Iraq (Green Zones) or is Iraq totally off limits to family members of those serving in the military? If there are, what bases would they be living on/at? I am not talking about a husband and wife who are serving at the same time in Iraq, but families with children. I will give points for best answer!
Military - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No, there are no military families living in Iraq. You do not get stationed in Iraq, you deploy there.
2 :
there are NO military families living in iraq ,iraq is considered a combat zone so no families are allowed there ,the stress on knowing that your family is there would be to great to handle .the only family you have there is the unit your in
3 :
No it is a Hostile area families are not allowed in Iraq, Afghanistan or most other places. For personnel in that area they are deployed there from their home base, they are not actually stationed there. The closest place to that area where a family could be stationed with their AD Spouse would be Bahrain. This recently reopened to family members including spouse & children. It has all the base amenities, school; exchange; medical; etc..
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