Saturday, May 7, 2011

I live in Iraq , there is no safe in our life so how can I ask the gril to go out with me? I even never kissed

I live in Iraq , there is no safe in our life so how can I ask the gril to go out with me? I even never kissed
Tariq , The man who dosen't know how makes grils love him.
Singles & Dating - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Be a man! Grab that gril by her burkha and make it happen. Her life is in your hands, dude.
2 :
I think that you are saying that their is "no safety" in your lives. I do not know what life could be like living in Iraq. However, is there somewhere that you could take a date; if you were able to get the date. I do not know if there is a safe haven where everyone meets. However, I think that this would be the safest place to ask someone out. Do you go to "Mosque"; I do not know. I guess it would have to be a safe environment. Where everyone feels comfortable, and kissing comes naturally you will be Alright.
3 :
Just grab her into your arms and kiss her, then you and her get the hell out of Iraq.
4 :
Theres nothing wrong if you tell her, you won't loss anything
5 :
tariq....kef hal? well basically u are muslim r? so i suggest u just go get married .. thts gonna solve your prob.. or just wait.... g.luck! masalama
6 :
well,people do marrie there also,right?people cant just stop they life couse is,start looking for a special one and do ur life!it is so artless.good luck!
7 :
go to some place that u think is safe,,,and try 2 get the ppl u knw to help u ana 2khook el 3arabi

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