Sunday, May 1, 2011

We don't U.S. Christians live in Iraq where the "Garden of Eden" used to be

We don't U.S. Christians live in Iraq where the "Garden of Eden" used to be?
Or, wherever it's claimed to be. lain- a flaming sword?
Religion & Spirituality - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
they got kicked out for stealing fruit.
2 :
Christians(and Mandeans and Yezidis) are being persecuted in Iraq today Most iraqi Christians(mostly Chaldean Catholic and Assyrian Orthodox but there are Armenian Orthodox,other orthodox groups and Protestants) are now in refugee status and fear for their lives
3 :
There's this big scary angel with a flaming sword keeping people out. Or so the story goes. You'd think that an angel with a flaming sword would be visible on some of the satellite surveillance photos.
4 :
It is believed to be under the Black Sea.. add- to the above poster.. that is true, actually. the sword was designed to keep Adam and Eve from from the tree of life. Two trees...Life and Knowledge.

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