Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Would you rather live in Iraq or Iran

Would you rather live in Iraq or Iran?

Polls & Surveys - 34 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
2 :
Iran. The government sucks, but the people are brilliant! (Just like the USA)
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I used to live in Iran but I RAN!
5 :
Neither, thanks.
6 :
Irap...atleast we got our forces to Iran I can be stoned to death for not believing in "Allah"
7 :
no thank you. say no to war!!
8 :
Why not just add Hell in there for kicks.
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11 :
Iran, Iraq has too much violence
12 :
Neither, they are both barren wastelands.
13 :
Iraq as long as my husband's there, then the USA!!!!!!
14 :
Neither, have no desire to visit there either.
15 :
Neither. The US of A.
16 :
neither , jordan is safer
17 :
I need to check the brochures first. yt,m
18 :
neither, they are both whacked out countries.
19 :
neither - - I think Antarctica would be preferable. :o)
20 :
thats like saying "Would you rather live in hell, or satans playground?"
21 :
Neither, as far as I'm concerned the could make parking lots out of both of them.
22 :
Neither, but if I HAD to pick one...... Iran.
23 :
Definitely Iraq. They have barbaric tactics over there but I think Iran takes the cake in torture and things.
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omg do you dislike me that much!
26 :
Australia, UK, France or the USA. NOT Iraq or Iran !
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Iran of course. You will not get blown up randomly. The Persians have a sophisticated society despite the Mullahs and current administration. Tehran is a world class city. The country as a whole is relatively young and optimistic about the future despite current geo-political politics. The Persians have always been players on the global stage and they always will. Iraq will be the three countries they have always been before England imposed the arbitrary borders on their population.
29 :
i am reading the answers and i am, has anybody learned anything real about these places to make such negative judgements?! I know that these countries are war torn, but, so is Israel and many would jump at the chance to go to Israel.....hmmmm....i think I would go to is not occupied by us, yet....
30 :
iraq since iam living there anyway
31 :
great, Blown up or Mowed down. Some choice
32 :
i would rather not live in ether of them
33 :
i live in tehran now and i'm telling u all this: Don't ever even for 1 minute want to be in here, even before america's attck, we all want to be in iraq rather than iran, cause at least in iraq u have freedom of culture Similarity between iran and iraq: both have no freedom or democrasy, totally fuked up, totally have insane leaders who can kill all of their country just because they want to be alive!!, totallu are full of mostly religion stupid people who stupidy protect their leaders (except for kurdistan of iraq and mostly students of universities of iran who are wisable people) Differences between them: in iran u can not even have one girl freind, if u want to have any, they get u and put u in jail, u should just wait until u be in 25 or above until ur family get one for marring. but in iraq , at least saddam wasn't releigiuos and girls and boys were free there, but in iran u can't be free even in this!! if u don't belive me, just for once come to iran and see it urself
34 :
Hmmm..... A country with a civil war or A country with Ahmadinejad I'd go with Iran, and then flee to Israel with my boyfriend Sasha :)

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