no electricity, no fuel, no humen right
Military - 6 Answers
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1 :
not to be a smart ass but people do
2 :
Yeah, millions of people do. I wasn't aware that Iraq has no electricity or fuel. Glad to know you're so on top of things.
3 :
Impossible as it might seem, but there are millions of people living there. Why only Iraq? there ahs been Afganistan, Kashmir etc.
4 :
there are all of those comes and goes with the electricity since there power grid is in for the fuel,its not like they are prducing a lot of oil there.they arent producing much for the same reason as the electricity.when we went in there in 2003 all that was in shambles from the years of sanctions.which they caused by not cooperating.and yes they do have rights.a lot more than they use to thats for sure.instead of watching news(thats not always right) thats 1 sided,watch and read from all the other sides as well.
5 :
while on patrol in northern iraq last year we met this guy, his duaghter went to colledge in the states, graduated and still came back to live there.... i dont know
6 :
not willingly. I gave up on maschocism a while ago!!
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