Almost a year and a whole lot of changes!
My last post was in November of last year. Now we are three quarters through the year and I have much to report. Love Life Yes, I have one now! My biggest event on Christmas was for my friend, Kurt, to become my boyfriend, Kurt. He’s a paraplegic, so he’s on wheels, too, and learning to walk again. ...
Saying Goodbye to Summer and Astrology Forecast September 14-20.
By Leo Knighton Tallarico This coming week brings us the last of summer and the last quarter of the lunar cycle that was begun at the New Moon in Virgo on August 25. It is a week of feeling the endings, of grieving the past, of acceptance, of fixing and healing, of putting in order and preparing. It ...
Steve Capus: Not in Scott Pelley’s ‘DNA’ to Simply Show Up and ‘Have Presence’
Scott Pelley was the only evening news anchor to report from Iraq this week as President Obama announced his plans for action against terror group ISIS. And “CBS Evening News” executive producer Steve Capus says Pelley’s reporting helps separate CBS News from the rest of the pack. “When I first star ...
My tweets
Fri, 13:24: Exposing Bad Retail Customer Service: Fri, 13:39: RT @ kcgreenn: im covered in poop and pee #LifeHack Fri, 13:43: RT @ InternetEh: I eat a lot of generic cereal. IDC fight me. Fri, 13:47: RT @ MarylandMudflap: Next time your getting hot & hea ...
Egypt says global action needed to counter Islamic State
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt's foreign minister said on Saturday ties existed between Islamic State, the group holding large parts of Iraq and Syria, and other militants in the region and that global action was needed to counter the threat. The post Egypt says global action needed to counter Islamic Stat ...