Sunday, September 14, 2014

FLASHBACK… Obama in 2007: I Strongly Disagree… That We Have a Future Catastrophe If We Phase Down Troops in Iraq (Video)

FLASHBACK… Obama in 2007: I Strongly Disagree… That We Have a Future Catastrophe If We Phase Down Troops in Iraq (Video)

In January 2007 then Senator Barack Obama went on Face the Nation to share his words of wisdom. First the Illinois junior senator refused to tell Bob Schieffer if he would cut off funding for our troops in Iraq. Then he added this: “ One of the things that I strongly disagree with Senator McCain is, ...

September 11th, Thirteen Years Hence – Time for True Justice

Hard truths we must never forget, that should be resolved, but never will. George W. Bush – The Man. The Myth. The Dangerous Talking Monkey. Now that we’ve passed another sad, solemn anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001, it’s truly time to face some of the hard and difficult to digest re ...

Islamic State video purports to show beheading of UK hostage David Haines

Islamic State militants fighting in Iraq and Syria released a video on Saturday which purported to show the beheading of British aid worker David Haines.

Here Comes Hilary?

Source: Thinkstock Still undeclared presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is already besting her peers in the polls, but is her success sustainable? Clinton came out as the top choice for Democratic voters in Iowa, taking 53 percent of their potential 2016 votes in a CNN/ORC International poll. She ...

U.S. banks on strong Iraq coalition, but allies are hesitant

PARIS (Reuters) - The United States says it is "comfortable" it can forge an international coalition to fight Islamic State, but with Western and Middle Eastern allies hesitant, it risks finding itself out on a limb. President Barack Obama this week unveiled a rough plan to fight the Islamist milita ...

Syrian Rebels: We’ll Use US Weapons to Fight Assad, Not ISIS, Whether Obama Likes It or Not

Since July, the Obama-backed Free Syrian Army, Al Nusra Front, and ISIS have paired together in order to fight the Syrian Assad regime. According to one Free Syrian Army commander, the combining of forces with ISIS was needed in order to achieve “the greater good.” Since around that time ISIS has tr ...


DI ROSANNA SPADINI Fine dell’empatia comunicativa e inizio della distopia sociale, indotta ad arte dalla meraviglia multimediale dei visual network. Il 1989 è un anno di svolta, è l’anno in cui la società dello spettacolo diventa schiava di se stessa, in cui lo spettacolo viene ...

Michael Moore On How History Will Remember Obama

Michael Moore, the self-described anti-capitalism, far-left liberal, documentary film maker, said recently that Barack Obama will be remembered in history as being the first black President of the United States. That's it. Moore, speaking in an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, spoke as if addr ...

IT JUST GETS FUNNIER: Obama Sees 2002 Iraq War Resolution As A Legal Basis For Airstrikes….

IT JUST GETS FUNNIER: Obama Sees 2002 Iraq War Resolution As A Legal Basis For Airstrikes.

Iraq's First Mi-28 'Havoc' Attack Chopper Has Taken To The Air

Iraq's first Mi-28 Havoc 'Night Hunter' attack chopper has taken flight in Iraq. These are some of the most heavily armed and capable attack helicopters in the world. Three were delivered alongside four new Mi-35 'Hind' attack helicopters from Russia as part of an expedited order placed to help figh ...