Australia to deploy 600 troops, fighter jets to help battle Islamic State – PM — RT News
"Australia is set to deploy hundreds of troops against Islamic State militants in Iraq. The task force, which will include Special Forces military advisors and assault jets, will be stationed in UAE as part of a “humanitarian operation.”" 'via Blog this'
A round-up of Sunday editorials from Florida’s leading newspapers
A round-up of Sunday editorials from Florida’s leading newspapers: Tampa Bay Times — Florida should boost legal aid for poor Floridians deserve access to legal representation regardless of their income. The state Constitution guarantees lawyers for criminal defendants who cannot afford a lawyer. But ...
As Christians Get Butchered in Iraq, Pope Refuses to Take Sides
Posted in General The Islamic State has killed thousands upon thousands of unarmed Christian civilians in cold blood in Southern Iraq and Syria. As the body count rises, America is on the brink of forming a coalition to combat ISIS. Meanwhile, Pope Francis warned that humanity was entangled in a fra ...
ISIS Beheads British Aid Worker
The ISIS terror group has released yet another video showing the beheading of another western captive. This time, they have executed British aid worker, David Haines. In the video titled, “A message to the allies of America,” the executioner addresses Britain, saying: “Your evil alliance with Americ ...
TOEICで700点が目標なら1分間に400ワードは読みたい! 下記キーワードが登場する新着英語ニュースが届きました。 iPhone iPad iOS iTunes iCloud|iPhone iPad iOS iTunes iCloud JR東日本 東日本旅客鉄道|East Japan Railway Company NHK|NHK NTTドコモ|NTT DOCOMO, INC. イラク|Iraq シリア|Syria ソニー PlayStation WALKMAN ...|Sony PlayStation WALKMAN デトロイト|Detroit トヨタ自動車|Toyota Motor C ...
[Ticker] More than 900 French residents implicated in Iraq-Syria jihad
French interior minister Cazeneuve has said in JDD that 930 French residents are implicated in the jihad in Iraq and Syria: 350 are there; 180 have been and left; 170 are in transit; and 230 are keen to go according to intelligence reports. Thirty six have died in the fighting. >
Another British Hostage David Haines Beheaded By ISIS Militants
Terrorist group ISIS has released a new video showing the execution of British aid worker David Cawthorne Haines. This would be the third time the organization, which has seized large swaths of Iraq and Syria, beheaded a captive and released a video of the execution, intending to send a message to W ...
Оригинал взят у hanzzz_muller в КРЕСТ ВИКТОРИИ Крест Виктории (Victoria Cross) - наиболее престижная военная награда Великобритании, была учреждёна в 1857 году как высшая награда за личное мужество, проявленное на поле боя. Награда не имеет степеней и не связана с орденской иерархией, как было приня ...
The Case for the Union?
I’ve pontificated already about why I believe Scotland should be an independent country. That was rather a scattershot set of reasons, talking about why I felt it was right for Scotland to be independent. But I do have other reasons. I’m thirty-three years old. Since my birth, I cannot point to a si ...
Australia contributing planes for anti-IS campaign
Prime Minister Tony Abbott says Australia is preparing to contribute up to 10 military aircraft to the increasingly aggressive campaign against the Islamic State extremists in Syria and Iraq. Abbott said in a statement issued Sunday that Australia was responding to a formal request from the United S ...