Sunday, September 14, 2014

Barack Obama's Iraq plan is sound but the Middle East is a graveyard for good intentions

Barack Obama's Iraq plan is sound but the Middle East is a graveyard for good intentions

There's an air of tragedy about President Barack Obama. He wants to chart a new course for the most powerful nation on Earth – pivot to the Pacific, end the long decade of war – but the old world's most derelict, dysfunctional quarters keep pulling him ...

Senator: ‘We All Get Killed Back Here At Home’ If Obama Doesn’t Send Combat Troops Back Into Iraq

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) blasted President Barack Obama’s plan to defeat ISIS during an appearance on Fox News Sunday, calling the commander-in-chief “disingenuous and delusional” and warning that Americans will be “killed here at home” unless ...

U.S. Call To Fight Militants Stirs Bitter Memories For Iraq's Sunnis

If President Obama's plan to battle Islamic State militants by bringing Iraq's Sunnis on board to fight sounds oddly familiar, that's because it is. When the U.S. faced a raging insurgency by Sunni militants — then called al-Qaida in Iraq — seven years ...

Iraq, ISIS, and The Myth of Sisyphus

The gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight. They had thought with some reason that there is no more dreadful punishment than futile and hopeless labor.

Australian forces could face heavy burden in Iraq

It was mid-June when militant forces took control of Iraq's second-largest city, routed thousands of Iraqi soldiers, and brought ISIL to the world's attention. Now, 95 days later, the government has announced it will forward stage elements of the ...

Iraq's Allawi endorses PM, says will help win over Sunnis

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq's Vice President Iyad Allawi endorsed Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on Sunday, a move that will be seen as a step towards reconciliation in a political system that desperately needs to rebuild to allow Baghdad to fight Islamic State.

Iraq's Falluja hospital 'hit by shelling'

A hospital in the Iraqi city of Falluja, mainly controlled by Islamic State (IS) fighters, has been hit by government shelling, reports say. It comes a day after PM Haider al-Abadi ordered the Iraqi army to stop shelling civilian areas in towns seized by IS.

Iraq PM will protect civilians after air strikes against IS

Iraq's Shia Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Saturday that he had ordered his air force to halt strikes on civilian areas, following attacks by both Iraqi and US jets in large areas of the country held by Islamic State fighters. The announcement ...

Iraq plans a new force to counter Islamic State. Here’s why some say it’s doomed.

BAGHDAD — Watban al-Jabbouri is the kind of man that the Iraqi and U.S. governments are depending on to turn the tide against the Islamic State fighters who have seized a huge swath of territory in this country. For three months, the 33-year-old Sunni ...

Iraq PM orders halt to shelling of civilian areas

BAGHDAD (AP) — Iraq's prime minister said Saturday he has ordered the army to stop shelling populated areas held by militants in order to spare the lives of "innocent victims" as the armed forces struggle to retake cities and towns seized by the Islamic ...

Obama: Assad Shooting At American Planes Would Lead To His Overthrow

President Barack Obama would seek to overthrow the regime of Bashar al-Assad if American planes were attacked upon entering Syrian air space, Peter Baker of The New York Times reports . If Assad's troops f ired at American planes entering Syrian airspace, "Obama said he would order American forces t ...

The Foreign Policy Essay: Is this How to Win the “War on Terrorism”?

Editor’s Note: The United States has not suffered a rash of terrorist attacks in the 13 years since 9/11. Indeed, this period has proven less bloody at home than the 1970s, hardly remembered as a decade of terror (except for the fashion threat posed by leisure suits, of course). Yet leaders are relu ...

The white flag is safely tucked away

The white flag is safely tucked away, Israel Hayom, Dr. Ronen A. Cohen, September 14, 2014 The United States’ overt lack of desire to deal with a tiresome and unpopular mess, such as stopping an organization like ISIS, is understandable. On the other side, ISIS has already understood very clearly th ...

Shelling kills 19 as Syria Kurds battle jihadists: NGO

Source: Agence France-Presse Country: Syrian Arab Republic 09/14/2014 13:18 GMT BEIRUT, September 14, 2014 (AFP) - Shelling killed 19 civilians on Sunday as Syria's Kurds fought a fierce battle against jihadists from the Islamic State (IS) in the northeastern province of Hasakeh, a monitoring group ...

[Video] First flight of a new Iraqi Army Mi-28 gunship helicopter at Baghdad

The Iraqi Army test flying their brand new Mil Mi-28NE Night Hunter helicopters. The first of three Mi-28NE gunships delivered to Iraq has been assembled and already performed a test flight. Indeed, the following video shows the new desert camouflage-painted all-weather, day-night, two-seat anti-arm ...

Bush World Agrees: Condi Rice Should Be NFL Commissioner

The internet has spoken, and so has Karl Rove. Condoleezza Rice Michael Fiala / Reuters / Reuters As pressure mounts on the National Football League to replace its commissioner, a quirky draft movement has formed on the internet behind former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice — and her old colleag ...

Isis: chi è il cooperante Alan Henning, l’altro ostaggio nelle mani dei jihadisti

Dopo la decapitazione dei reporter americani James Foley e Steven Sotloff, e quella del cooperante scozzese David Haines, adesso si teme per la vita del quarto ostaggio nelle mani dei terroristi dello Stato Islamico dell’Iraq e del Levante, il britannico Alan Henning. L’uomo viene mostrato come un t ...

Continue War for the Sake of Peace

Photo courtesy of The US Army By USDR Recently a national, multi-faith coalition of 103 organizations and religious leaders – representing millions of Americans – sent a letter to President Obama calling for continued American military and humanitarian intervention in Northern Iraq in response to “a ...

Hơn 900 người Pháp tham gia thánh chiến cùng IS ở Iraq và Syria

Theo hãng AFP, Bộ trưởng Nội vụ Pháp Bernard Cazeneuve ngày 14/9 cho biết khoảng 930 công dân hay người cư trú ở Pháp, trong đó có ít nhất 60 phụ nữ, hoặc đang tích cực tham gia hoạt động thánh chiến của nhóm Nhà nước Hồi giáo (IS) ở Iraq và Syria hoặc đang có ý định tới đó.

The Isis decapitates British Haines. Cameron: non-Muslims but … – The Messenger

For the third time in less than a month, the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant back to spread through the web terror and horror in video posted on the Internet, showed a new heading, that of the British David Cawthorne Haines, who had disappeared in Syria about a year ago. Video It is a movie of ...