Monday, September 15, 2014

Obama's Shifting Position On The 2002 Iraq AUMF

Obama's Shifting Position On The 2002 Iraq AUMF

In his speech announcing the new initiative against ISIS in Iraq and possibly in Syria President Obama asserted that he has the necessary legal authority to undertake such a campaign without additional congressional authorization. He did not lay out ...

Iraq’s Falluja hospital ‘hit by shelling’

A hospital in the Iraqi city of Falluja, mainly controlled by Islamic State (IS) fighters, has been hit by government shelling, reports say. It comes a day after PM Haider al-Abadi ordered the Iraqi army to stop shelling civilian areas in towns seized by IS.

Iraq and Syria: The hostages

Three Western hostages have been beheaded by Islamic State militants recently. They were among dozens of journalists and aid workers being held hostage in Iraq and Syria. Some are believed to be being held by IS and other militant groups, while others may ...

U.S., Israel differ on emphases in strategic dialogue

U.S., Israel differ on emphases in strategic dialogue | Jewish Telegraphic Agency. September 14, 2014 10:31am WASHINGTON (JTA) — Israel and the United States issued sharply different statements describing their strategic dialogue, with Israel saying Iran poses the longer-term threat in the Middle Ea ...


Why we must destroy ISIS . . . S.L. On the eve of September 11th Obama made a speech to the American people regarding his intentions concerning the Islamic State. It is remarkable that this same man declared two weeks earlier that he does not have a strategy for dealing with ISIS, or ISIL, or just p ...

The Name of the Fight

Credit Illustration by Tom Bachtell “Mr. President, everybody is asking in this country, are we or are we not at war?” a reporter asked Harry Truman at a White House press conference on June 29, 1950. It was a reasonable question: two days earlier, in response to a swift, unexpected advance of North ...

Lindsey Graham Freaks Out At Obama's ISIS Strategy

US Sen Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Sunday said the idea that the US will never have ground troops in Syria is a "fantasy," while ripping President Barack Obama's strategy to defeat the extremist group calling itself the Islamic State (ISIS). Graham, one of the most prominent foreign-policy hawks in t ...

U.S. intelligence agencies remain uncertain about danger posed by Islamic State

Hours before President Obama announced a new U.S. military offensive against the Islamic State, one of his top counter terrorism officials testified to Congress that the al-Qaeda offshoot had an estimated 10,000 fighters. The next day a new assessment arrived from the CIA: The terrorist organization ...