Monday, September 15, 2014

Obama understands neither war nor Islam

Obama understands neither war nor Islam

Obama understands neither war nor Islam, Dan Miller’s Blog, September 14, 2014 Winston Churchill understood both. Instead of “blood, toil, tears and sweat,” Obama offers a coalition of unwilling nations which reject our basic values of freedom. He intends to arm and train “moderate” Islamists who no ...

Splinter group breaks from al Qaeda in North Africa

ALGIERS (Reuters) - A new armed group calling itself the Caliphate Soldiers in Algeria has split from al Qaeda's North African branch and sworn loyalty to the radical breakaway group Islamic State fighting in Syria and Iraq. A breakaway of key Algerian commanders from Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb ...

America’s Militarization Reaches College Campuses

It’s well known that surplus military gear re-imported from war zones like Iraq was shipped to municipalities across the country, creating ripe conditions for excessive police force. Now, however, this gear is being shipped to college campuses. The Chronicle of Higher Education reports: At Central F ...

World Jewish Congress Leader Warns of Far Right Parties, Islamic Extremists in Visit to Europe

Right-wing Jobbik Party members in Hungary holding a rally. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. Times of Israel – European voters risk giving their countries a bad name by electing far-right politicians, the leader of the World Jewish Congress warned Saturday ahead of a major rally against anti-Semitism. WJC ...

Ukraine to Feature in Paris Talks - Voice of America

Ukraine to Feature in Paris Talks Voice of America Ukraine is expected to be discussed on the sidelines of the Paris meeting on Iraq Monday. A senior U.S. State Department official says Secretary John Kerry will have pull-asides with several foreign ministers to review developments. The official tol ...

'WE HAVE TO VOTE' -- Dem Congressman Worried Obama Will 'Violate The Constitution' To Fight ISIS

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-New York) issued a statement on Friday expressing his fear President Barack Obama will "violate the Constitution" by expanding military operations against the jihadist group Islamic State (also known as ISIS or ISIL) in Syria and Iraq without asking Congress for authorization. I ...

‘Obviously,’ White House Aide Says, America Is at War With ISIS

After a video showing the murder of a third Westerner by the terrorist group ISIS hit the Internet last night, a top Obama administration official said this morning that America is “obviously” at war with the Islamist jihadists in Iraq and Syria. >>> ‘Act of Pure Evil’: Video Depicts Beheading of Br ...

Where Did the Islamic State Come From?

ISIS captor with David Haines. Photo: SITE Intel screenshot. The simple answer – and the one you’ll hear most often – is that IS, or Islamic State (formerly ISIS) emerged out of al-Qaeda, gathering strength through the ongoing civil war in Syria and unrest in Iraq. But that’s only part of the story: ...

Can We Build a Second Iraqi Army?

A view of the Iraqi city of Mosul. Photo: Sgt. Michael Bracken via Wikimedia Commons. Secretary of State Kerry is in the Middle East, looking for regional allies for President Obama’s proposal to deal with the threat of the Islamic State (IS). That is entirely appropriate — IS poses a more immediate ...

Briton's beheading boosts resolve of anti-IS coalition

London (AFP) - The Islamic State's beheading of another Western hostage has strengthened the resolve of a US-led coalition ahead of a Paris conference Monday on how to jointly eliminate the jihadist group. Prime Minister David Cameron vowed on Sunday Britain would hunt down the killers of British ai ...