It seems like most people get blown up before they have a chance to grow old. Wouldn't you think their first priority would be to get the hell out of there as soon as possible? This is a serious question.
Current Events - 8 Answers
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1 :
Because they're plain dumb that's why. These moslem pig dog countries don't have a good enough education system so they think their country is sooo great lmfao! I say let them rot in their huts. God bless America.
2 :
They would like to live in USA if americans permit, and carry out explosive activities on american soil
3 :
It's their country and most of them haven't the money nor the education to emigrate.
4 :
Citizens of those countries have always known war and violence, but it is their country. Many young men do try and better themselves by migrating to rich countries, but in reality they are not wanted, so what do you suggest they do. Very few people can afford to go anywhere.
5 :
No choice. You cannot run away from your house if something bad happening there. Did anyone run from US after 9/11?
6 :
All people love their country.Isn't it?
7 :
Christian women convert to Islam and defy the stereotypes on CNN. Go to the link below. It's very interesting. Go tot he link below and look at this FOX News report of Christians and atheists beoming Muslims. Cat Stevens was a famous pop singer who used to earn sometimes more than $150,000 a night. Why do you think he would give all that up? I think it shows that money is not true happiness. Go to the link below to watch this interesting interview with him about his choice of becoming a Muslim Islam is not the problem. Those countries are going through tough times but it's not because of religion.
8 :
agree with donald ^.^ i would like to beat the bizzle out of the rest of you!
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