Sunday, March 1, 2009

would you thank the bush government for "liberating" your country if you live in iraq

would you thank the bush government for "liberating" your country if you live in iraq?
at the same time, you have to worry about being killed everyday when you go out. And once in a while, your relatives got killed by the US soliders. and your children can't go to school any more, because it got bombed by the US military. and air is polluted due to the burning of oil. many stores got bombed, destoryed, so you can't buy the regular things any more. so with that, would you still thank the Bush government for "liberating" iraq? for the person who used the word "oppressed." have you actually talked to those people in iraq? how do you know that they were "oppressed?" have you talked to the black people in the US, don't you think that many of them feel really oppressed? when do you plan to liberate the black people in the US? did the iraqi people ask their government to make a request to the US to "liberate" them? and there are many other countries that people are really oppressed, quite a few in Africa, when do you think that bush and his kind will send the troops to really liberate those people?
Current Events - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Of course not. Nobody sane would even want such a thing, let alone thank the 'liberators'. But it won't change anything, unfortunately. It's a shame for civilised society to aid killing and suffering of innocent civilians, whatever the cause of the conflict may be.
2 :
That's funny word though. Liberating. We only handed out 500 visas to Iraqis since invasion. Well over million Iraqis have fled the country to Jordan, Syria and other countries. We went into free them, but only allowed 500, just 500 of them to seek refuge here in the US. Just 500 Iraqis. We probably have 500 Mexicans jumping fence per minute. So our gov is basically telling the world 'look at us, we're freeing people in Iraq' but when Iraqi translators who worked for our troops try seeking refuge in the US because there are bunch of nuts trying to kill him because he worked for the US, our gov says 'no, we don't want Iraqi terrorists here.' I think this says lot about nature of Iraq invasion. Sure it liberate people from Saddam, but nobody can deny that political (geopolitical) motive is ahead of 'liberation' of Iraqi people.
3 :
Liberation; not an easy transformation to survive. some people fight the change with their very life, some fight based on a belief, both ways produce a standing. Life long ways must change during liberation, these changes are not easy to do, they need time to be understood. but time is the essence for transformation before solidification sets in, Liberation means you grow into a fullness unlike your youth full ways of thinking. It is a strange process to go through much like a rebirth if the mind can conceive of such understanding. I am looking forward to welcoming the new Iraq into the world. Does Iraq want to come in whole or in part is the question?
4 :
If I were Oppressed, As the people of that country are....YES! How about do some research before you judge what your government is doing, my guess is that they have more experience and knowledge in foriegn affairs than you. So how bout, lets not spout off about things we really aren't that educated in... OK?

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