Saturday, March 7, 2009

Do most Iraqis who live in Iraq view American soldiers as terrorists

Do most Iraqis who live in Iraq view American soldiers as terrorists?
Do most Iraqis in Iraq think that American soldiers are terrorists?
Military - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
not from what i've seen... as opposed to when hussein would cut out their tongue for speaking out or brand their forheads and severe their arms for any crime he deemed necessary??
2 :
3 :
No, terrorists do not build schools.
4 :
Of course they do. What would you think if foreign forces invaded your country and slaughtered your family and friends (accidently) and raped the women and young girls.
5 :
Not at all. Quite the opposite.
6 :
No. Some think we are terrorists Some think we are great human beings. Most are pretty neutral about U.S. soldiers as people, but they'd really prefer we weren't in their country.

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