Saturday, March 21, 2009

Would You Rather Live In Iraq Or Afghanistan

Would You Rather Live In Iraq Or Afghanistan?
For me Iraq. it's a little safer, and it has more habitat and more historic sites, and there are Christians. @ Pixee. Is there anything that doesn't offened you guys? Why do you think that everyone in the world has to be Muslim? What's wrong with Christians?
Polls & Surveys - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Iraq way more developed than Afghanistan
2 :
so what if there are christians lol, im a muslim and that can be taken as offensive :P anyways i dnt really care as if im likely to survive and have a good life. maybe if u tell us a little about each counrty then i'l decide properly. for now, i dnt no.
3 :
if it was safe i would choose Afghanistan because it actaully looks beautiful in some areas
4 :
neither. I live in my sweet home in Canada. Which I am very grateful for.
5 :
Definitely Iraq! Things have already calmed down over there.

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