Women's Health - 7 Answers
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1 :
well it wasn't thier choice to live there during war, we just invaded them. plus where are they going to go?
2 :
Not sure, but the longer we stay, the more brave men an women of our millitary will be killed. This war really stupid.
3 :
The first part of your question I can answer..the 2nd part i dont understand what you mean....The people in Iraq have lived the way they do for thousands of years...They have lived with War all their lives..I dont feel any guilt for how they choose to live...
4 :
ask bush,he read the letter
5 :
They have to choose a good time or they look for shelter
6 :
How many decades has Iraq survived through war in the first place and what have the children been doing to have fun...besides throwing rocks at US soldiers or shooting at them with daddy's ak-47? Saddam Hussein could have rebuilt an entire country in the last 16 years and still be their dictator...however...he chose to force the United Nations to renogotiate a peace treaty 16 times. No nation in history has ever lost a war and been able to demand a renegotiation of it's own terms of peace.
7 :
kids don't start wars neither they participate in it so they havr nothing to morn about and childhood is too short. i do feel sorry for the people who without any fault had to face war,or have faced in history but we have lived and will live in all circumstances and after every war we are able to develope ourselves. little +ve thinking can do wonders.
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