Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hey i was wondering if aliens are real i live in iraq so i dont know maybe someone who does cabn tell me

Hey i was wondering if aliens are real i live in iraq so i dont know maybe someone who does cabn tell me?
Are i crazy if i ask this ?
Mythology & Folklore - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
What does you living in Iraq have to do with your knowledge about extraterrestrial beings? I think it's possible they exist.
2 :
I don't believe that there are absolutely no life forms except for us in this entire universe. Maybe they have less/more technology and knowledge then us. Who knows?
3 :
hey man, im from canada, and your the only aliens on the earth... just joking i know mike in real life. hes is iraqien , but hes also gay
4 :
No. Aliens were invented to cover government experiments on humans.
5 :
Yes, aliens are 100% real. They live everywhere except Iraq. I have a few alien friends (they go to my school), and from what I've heard they are going to invade Iraq in a few minutes. They plan to kill the men, rape the women, and enslave the children. My suggestions for you; run, or fight them to the death. May the force be with you.
6 :
no they are not
7 :
no aleins are not real at least not the green "take me to your planet" kind of aleins
8 :
I see your user name there. Gonna be a long weekend, folks.
9 :
yes u r crazy and i live in america and we r at war with u and i wish the war would stop because we were trying to help your goverment and your goverment just called war!
10 :
I can't be sure, but, if life on earth is the ONLY life in the eternal universe, that'd be VERY unlikely...what does living in Iraq have to do with ALIENS?
11 :
if some one believes that earth has the only inteligent life in the whole univers then they are pompus asses and yes there are aliens out there

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