Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Right now, would you rather live in Iraq or Afghanistan

Right now, would you rather live in Iraq or Afghanistan?
As a civilain not as a military personnel.
Polls & Surveys - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
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3 :
afghanistan north east
4 :
Actually, I would like to live on the French Riviera. I love Nice.
5 :
Iraq. Afghanistan is hell on Earth.
6 :
7 :
Afghanistan bcos my passport says I'm not valid to travel to Iraq.
8 :
Since obama is sending a butt load of new soldiers to afgan.Id feel a tiny bit better ,I guess.
9 :
Afghanistan toward the north. But then, if I'm already in Afghanistan, I obviously don't have any choice left. I'd rather stand in the center of the street and be shot than have my freedom snatched and buried by fanatics.
10 :
If I had to live in either place it would have to be wherever Bin Ladens cave is because the war never and I mean never seems to touch this place. I could also do America a big favor by evicting him out into the open.
11 :
Meh... I guess Afghanistan.
12 :
Neither one, they are both corrupt and dangerous for your health!! :-)

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