Monday, June 1, 2009

I live in Iraq. I'm trying to watch Cleveland Cavaliers basketball games but NBA LEAGUE PASS is not available

I live in Iraq. I'm trying to watch Cleveland Cavaliers basketball games but NBA LEAGUE PASS is not available?
League Pass is the official NBA web games service but it's not available in Iraq. I'll gladly pay to watch the games, I don't give a shit....I just need an option to watch them! Anyone know a site to get the games streamed?
Basketball - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 : When i went to vacation in the middle east i got to watch some games off these sites. It works fine and its free but the quality isnt that great and u might experience lag. Still for a free site there alright
2 :
if you have a good internet connection go to and games will be on there.

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