Im sick of all you americans. Why dont you go back to your own country and leave us the hell alone. It was osama and his people that knocked down your buidlings not iraq
Military - 30 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Make up your mind, pipsqueak!
2 :
i wish so my son wouldn't be there for the people
3 :
or before they kill us
4 :
Very interesting. Your LAST question starts off, "I live in Iran";_ylt=AlmqKSbwJj4a8U3gdN_1Vavsy6IX?qid=20070711174726AAWTI7J I smell Liar!!!!!! I don't accidentally say I live in Canada...I mean America... Looks like you are a big fan of UFC Wrestling too...lots of THAT in Iraq?;_ylt=ApShRRvm8mQ4OIALZqc0Nefsy6IX?qid=20070708162932AA3e5ne&show=7#profile-info-M6VcDGAPaa Along with answers to 3 more questions on wrestling. ____________________ "Donald" has got himself a female alias too, I see. LOL. That only makes you look MORE fake (if that were even possible). Pathetic. Apparently Kathy is a wrestling fan too and uses expressions like "that's gay" and "for real". Sounds like a kid to me and an American or Canadian one at that.;_ylt=AlmqKSbwJj4a8U3gdN_1Vavsy6IX?qid=20070704155000AADdZX6
5 :
I guess you don't understand the facts and why it is that we are over there. You honestly think we want to be there?
6 :
I know George Bush will never say this, so I'm going to say it: I am sorry we invaded your country. I admit there is a lot of hypocrisy amongst Americans: We don't want foreigners here, but at the same time we see nothing wrong in bombing and invading foreign nations. (and God forbid someone should bomb or invade ours!!!) But consider this: You guys were not at fault for whatever sins your dictator committed, (Sadam Hussein) likewise, the bulk of Americans are not responsible for the idiotic decisions and crimes committed by Bush.
7 :
It was your last sentence that proved you are just a dumb American kid who is also a product of the public school system.
8 :
first of all... you're not from Iraq because there is no Iraqi in the world that speaks that fluent english. and second.. if you do live in Iraq you'd realize it's the iraqi's killing fellow iraqi's... not the United States. We are not allowed to shoot at anyone unless they are trying to kill us do to Rules of Engagement. So how about you stop being a retarded kid that just wants to see how pissed off he can get us.
9 :
Maybe if some of your people will leave us alone and stop attacking us, we won't come over there and try to set your people straight.
10 :
Did you notice that right now, your government is asking the US to stay in the country? If American troops leave, there will probably be a civil war between Sunnis and Shiites. But given the political situation over here, we will probably be pulling out pretty soon anyway.
11 :
you don't know where you're from? odd. that doesn't seem like a mistake most would make. first you're from iran, now you're from iraq?
12 :
The war is not about Osama. I wish we would pull out, that would mean the Iraqi government was finally able to do it's job for the people there. The U.S. has done more for the population of Iraq than Hussein ever did.
13 :
14 :
call the White House and ask Bush.
15 :
.ya ya ya,heard it before we decided to drop by drop some bombs free your country and try to make it better.You guys don't want us there cool,only problem walmart comes in this week and next week McDonald's so you guys are going to have to Learn how to say super size
16 :
O Lori K schooled you bitch.
17 :
Sorry to burst your bubble there buddy, but it's you killing your own people. All this bullsh.t about Americans killing Iraqis is just that. Bullsh.t. We have something called the rules of engagement and it is strictly enforced.
18 :
Last time you wrote you were "from" Iran, now you live in Iraq - so now you are watching this all first hand, huh DONALD? What kind of name is Donald for someone born and living in IRAQ? Are you trying to fit in with our wonderful American Soldiers?? Hey if you could take care of your own country, why didn't you, and why don't you do it? If you could you would, you can't so we are there - America forever!
19 :
Nice try Donald, nice Iraqi name, on trying to get the US out of Iraq. I am glad you figured out where you live. It must be hectic with all those bombs going off from al-qaeda killing the innocent civilians.
20 :
There are three groups in Iraq. One is the Americans and allies. One is the brave Iraqis fighting to have their own country without having it be usurped by Iran or some other dictatorship. The other is yours. Of course you want us out. Of course you ignore the attacks by the people killing your people to blame the Americans. Of course you ignore the attempted assassination of our President, the mass killings of Saddam, the invasion of Kuwait, the torture (real torture, not kid pranks), rape, and murder of anyone who disagreed with Saddam's political party. Of course you'd ignore the decade long attacks on our troops over the no-fly zone during the cease-fire that Saddam ignored. This has nothing to do with Osama, never did. Interesting use of idiom. "Leave us the hell alone". You must watch a lot of American T.V. That's just the way we'd phrase it. Almost like you come from the States. My goodness, I just read your other answers! You have an amazing skill with American idiom while still not knowing how to capitalize your words. That's just how an American youth would write! Amazing! You lie about who you are! That's just what someone whose lost their integrity, put their ideology about the welfare of their country, and has chosen sides against their own country in WW III would do! Your actions have my contempt.
21 :
The truth is that ever since the Gulf War, the Bush family has wanted to get rid of Saddam for good, there really is no reason for us to be there. Weeks before the invasion was scheduled, a report from the Canadian government stated that they located no evidence of WMD's. Months into the war, the Defense Department said there was never and evidence Saddam was building nuclear weapons. So I don't know why the war keeps going on. BTW: Troops and Contractors in Iraq: 357,000, counting the New Iraqi Army. Troops and Contractors in Afghanistan, where Osama is: 82,000, counting the Northern Alliance.
22 :
But we can't up and leave. Better yet, tell all your buddies that want the US out to stop firing at the US, or at each other. Lay low for a couple years, let the US pull out, THEN proceed to blow each other up and the US will have little thought to coming in and pulling the factions apart like a school teacher at an elementary school brawl.
23 :
I wish our troops could come home I am so sick and tired of hearing about Iraq this Iraq that another bombing in Iraq We hear this every freaking day. I wish Iran and Iraq could battle their own battles give us a freaking break here. So don't take us for granted being over there. There are alot of families here that wish their Son, Daughter, Father, Mother, Husband, Wife, Aunt, Uncle, Cousin, Nephew, or Niece was at home instead of in this damn war!! Maybe we aren't doing any good being there I don't know. I don't know why we can't just pull out of there but then we have to worry about another person bombing our country again! WTF is that all about? We could pull out tommorrow then all of a sudden its like 9-11 all over again. What in the hell! So yall need to figure out what your problem is with us here in America and just forget about it and go on with your life we will go on with ours. Thats that Mr. "I'm from Iran oh I mean Iraq"
24 :
Well if the people of Iraq would stand up and take control of their own country and not be so dependent on the US for things like schools, clean water,food ,etc. we would be more than happy to leave your country.
25 :
Hey lori c. Your not realy smart as you think, thats whats wrong with you people. Two things for you. 1.) iran and iraq is possible to mess up. Its very different from canada and united states. 2.) So what if my son likes U.F.C whats wrong that. What kid in this country does not watch U.F.C or football.
26 :
it's not the fricken buildings it's the lives that were list look at it this way what would the reaction be from the goverment that you came from be if a large goverment building with 3000 people in it (mostly civilans) blew up what would their reaction be? oh and you knew where the people who blew it up came from? their would be a war and an invasion were hunting down the people who attacked us and not civilans so why don't your momey and you stop being annoying
27 :
whats up with the mom/son thing? anyway this question is pointless..its your opinion....and you are entitled to it..however the facts are there..we have a mission and we will complete it...keep your comments to yourself
28 :
those americans are over there defending the freedom you get over here. it seems to me you and your mom kathy like using our xboxs and flatscreen tvs, but you dont like......well america. but lucky for you, your welcome to leave at any time.
29 :
If you're going to lie to prove your point. Get your lies straight.
30 :
Ta arouf tichee arabee? Anee achee arabee, and I seriously have never met anyone in country who spoke as fluently in colloquiallisms as you write skakhba! When you live with the people and they take the time to teach you the language you know you're doing ( at least in your AO) the right thing at the right time for the right reasons. Now as they say "inchep jelb, rooh lil jaheim."
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