During the 2003 Iraq invasion, we were able to watch American bomb Iraqis cities on live television. My question is why did Saddam allow this when it could have been used against him by showing his defensive position such as military units? Wasn't he afraid that all these foriegn reported could be spies. I not talking about the embedded reported that was with the american invading force. I talking about cameras that was already there broadcasting the streets of bagdad even before the war started.
Military - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Because we had reporters embedded with our military units and others who snuck in?
2 :
I think the real question is why did he allow us to invade his country to begin with. eh, eh, think on that one...
3 :
can you say "our cameras?" this may be the silliest thing I ever saw on yahoo!
4 :
Since the cameras were OURS, he didn't really have any say in the matter. Kind of a moot point now anyway.
5 :
Because the Idiot thought he could win. He thought that his "Brother" Arab countries (cowards) would leap to his defense. He never realized that they were more afraid of him than of us. Loser.
6 :
He did it so we could all see "bagdad Bob" reporting his famous morale boosting speech...." The Iraqi defenders are decemating the American invaders...yes, the americans are crying out for mercy". Remember that clip ?....ha, ha, lol, we all had a bunch of laughs over that.
7 :
the simple answer is, he thought they were going to show HIM kicking a-s-s.
8 :
To get sympathy. The UN said he had no weapons of mass destruction, so he hoped that by showing his country getting bombed into the stone ages he could get the rest of the world to either feel sorry for Iraq, or turn against the US.
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