Friday, August 7, 2009

How much can you make as an Arabic translator (without overseas travel to Iraq)? We live in Detroit, MI area

How much can you make as an Arabic translator (without overseas travel to Iraq)? We live in Detroit, MI area?
He's also brilliant at fixing computers, networks, etc and loves to help people and knows about finance, having worked at a mortgage company for several years. My husband is fluent in English, Arabic, Urdu, and Punjabi and also knows some Farsi. Thanks!!!
Languages - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Does he know Bengali? i need help in Bengali translation !!! Im willing anything, excpet money l0l im 13 and broke big time. but no for real. im seriose here does he ? and sorry i cant help ya with your question.. =[
2 :
Look for translator jobs on job boards or put his resume up on places like Workopolis or Monster. This is probably not the place you'll get the money question answered but he can look for a job and maybe get a better one than he has.

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