Politics - 26 Answers
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1 :
he has too much money for that to happen
2 :
Yes, in the worst part of Baghdad.
3 :
You first.
4 :
I have never really cared for Bush, but this is a stupid idea. No he shouldn't be expelled.
5 :
yes, definitely i agree 110%
6 :
7 :
um NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Hussein is more than welcaome to move to kenya though!!!
8 :
no but he should be enlisted to fight there... he created this war mess only fair for him to participate
9 :
Even if we thought he should be, it's against out Constitution: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cruel_and_unusual_punishment
10 :
your as low as it gets, kennedy was worse and soon will be Obama. Like the he ne wplan he introduced; working out well, huh? NOT
11 :
no. he may have ruined the country but hes still a past president and should get some respect.
12 :
Yes! Definitely. That would make my day.
13 :
Wow. I'm sorry what's wrong with living there? That's where I came from moron!!
14 :
that is mean to say
15 :
omg. wats wrong with u...OBAMA SHOULD B!!! not sumone who actually liked the country. obama is just TRYIN to destroy it
16 :
That actually would probably be in his interest. LOL Watching the country go down in flames would kill him.
17 :
No. We should give due respect to our past leaders.
18 :
why the new guy making it worse on all the people then what bush did so you going send him out too if you get bush kicked out
19 :
He did his job as best he could and now that it is over.He should just be left alone.
20 :
No, you should go there instead for insulting such a fabolous president.
21 :
Should former president George W. Bush be... deported to... Iraq?? Uh. No. He messed up, but it's not like his green card has expired. Besides, there are certain approved punishments, and sending somebody to live in a foreign country for being of average intelligence is not one of them
22 :
who is going to make him? You ball less democrats? Start trying to remove republicans from this country and those of us that " cling to our guns" will make sure democrats only exist in the history books
23 :
I don't think so. I think that he should be afforded all courtesies appropriate for the level of commitment he invested in our country. Every President makes considerable sacrifice to serve our nation. There aren't many jobs in the world that turn a man's hair from black to gray in a few years. Now, if you would please exercise your right to remain silent, then many of us would be less certain of your level of intelligence.
24 :
no hes gonna get killed there cause he attacked iraq :]
25 :
I bet he would wet himself at the mere thought.
26 :
This question needs to be taken down I mean you can't be serious. I wish America haters, like yourself, would just leave, if its sooo bad and they hate it sooo much.
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