Because people say iraq is a better place 2 live instead of philly OK ok i would want to live in Philadelphia just wanted 2 know i was concearned....................gosh
Philadelphia - 24 Answers
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Some places in Philly are really nice, so I would say Philadelphia..
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Who would want to live in Iraq?!?!?!?!?
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Philly you dummy. What people?
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Since I can't get a good Philly Cheesesteak sandwich in Iraq, I choose Philly.
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iraq...cuase then no1 would tax me on nothing
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I'd have to go with Philly, it has doctors, food, water, shelter, a less than half percentage of being blown up by a pipe bomb while walking down the know, those kinds of things.
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Philly since I live here already and feel very safe.
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Philadelphia who in their right mind would want to live in Iraq?
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I lived in Philly for 25 years and now live in a small town right outside of it and am troubled by the violence. But compared to what is going on in Iraq, l would rather be in Philly.
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Hi;Well if you live in Iraq you won,t get board thats for shure....JW
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Iraq is having a civil war,a very dangerous place to be or live! I would rather live in Philadelphia over Iraq even if it was not a war zone!
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Philly. The Septa buses don't blow up.....
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well, i'm sure Iraq has nice sections also where bombers warn people they're about to blow themselves to smithereens. but i'll have to go with philly.
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Philadelphia is a beautiful city. They have the liberty bell, Penns Landing, Bow house Row... There is crime in Philly, for sure but it is a major city. I've never been to Iraq but it is my guess that there is good and bad there too....but I know Philly and as a person who has lived around Philly my whole life I get really sick of these comparisons.... If you don't like Philly don't go that just means one more cheesteak for me, that you won't take my parking spot and that I won't have to flip you the bird on 95...
18 :
Why do you live in Iraq? You asked this question cause you want people to say Iraq. Well Philly is better!!!!!!!!! Everyone say Philly!
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haha philly!! you've gotta have a death wish to live in iraq 4 sure!!
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Not all neighborhoods in Philly are bad. I happen to live in a very nice neighborhood. There are bad neighborhoods in every city so why not just leave the country and try to find better?
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Why are you asking? At least in Philly you have a good chance of surviving the day -- can't say that for Iraq.
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Philly i am from Israel i moved to the USA five years ago and they would hate me there and i am a girl and you can't call it equality between women and men also there is a civil war over their and it is dangerous and who wants to live in a place that is controlled by another countries army plus Philly is way more interesting there are museums restaurants and all kinds of things and there are good neighborhoods there were there are almost no violence.
23 :
Philly, I can't get a cheesesteak in Iraq.
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Many people think Philly is SO SO SO bad and all that crap. They're acting like the whole city is filled with rapers, shooters, and all that junkie monkie. It isn't true. There are many nice parts in Philly which most people have never even BEEN in. Philly 100% I love this city to death. Compared to Iraq, this is heaven.
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