My stepdad is in Iraq and I want to live with my mom? But I'm not shure about the changes so what do I do? My dads upset that I might leave him and that I'm not shure on what I should do. What would u do?
Do It Yourself (DIY) - 9 Answers
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1 :
I would just stay there, because my mom makes me do a lot of work around the house.
2 :
Talk to your Dad he should be proud that he has a child who shows such thought and maturity towards another person.
3 :
tel your stepdad to come home and stop killing innocent people for a start..
4 :
I think thats a great idea to stay with your mom. She needs all the support she can get right now...I bf has been in Iraq for almost 6 months...She need you right now. Maybe talk to your day that you live with right now, explain things to him, see what he says. You always have the option to go stay with your mom. Christine
5 :
Do whatever you feel is right for you. However don't just run out something just because such as you smashed your dads car and your grounded so you want to leave. But if you would be more comfortable and would find it more suitable to live with your mom sit them down and discuss your point of view in a professional stand point. Do your research. In the end being mature enough to handle the situation your parents should be accommodating in some way. If it be you stay their for a couple months or make your living with your father more enjoyable. Good Luck!
6 :
Its your right to choose where you want to live. and no-one should make you feel bad or guilty about your choice. Sit down with your dad and explain to him that you want to live with your mom for a while. Personally i think its a really thoughtful thing to do. Your dad should understand. As long as you don't play them against each other. When you tell your dad focus on the positive, like "you can finally have some alone time" "i wont be around ALL THE TIME to bug you" and it'll be good for him. Explain that it won't be permanent, and it doesn't mean you'll never see him again. Make dates to see each other and stick to them. Good luck sweedie!
7 :
First, I'm glad to see there are still young people who think of more than themselves. I'm a divorced dad with custody of my son. It would make me proud to see his maturity in being able to look me in the eye and confront me with such a selfless request. Tell your dad that your mom is alone with her spouse in a war zone and you simply want to watch over her and take care of her until your stepdad gets back. Point out that this is a temporary situation, you still love your dad and want to see him, and you will be back once the stepdad returns. There are no guarantees, but this is probably the best approach. Good Luck.
8 :
there is nothing for you to do, the decition is not up to you, is up to the person who has custody of you, is mom married to your stepdad? wich father are you refering to?
9 :
I would reconsider carefully.If I really am going to live with my mom,I would go there just for a for 2 or 4 weeks.If I find the new place I'm living with my mom uncomfortable,I will go back to where my dad lives.If dad is upset,I can call him everyday to assure him that I'm fine.After my vacation, I will straight away go back to dad.I will go on a vacation 2 or 3 times in a year.I think in this way,life would be more easier.When I come back from my vacation, I will also be extra careful not to anger dad, because he may be feeling low.
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