I would be interested in hearing what you have to say about the situation in your country. I thought I would give a try but I knew it was a long shot. I read the on line editions of some Iraqi papers, just to get a sense of what people over there are thinking and talking about.
Embassies & Consulates - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I doubt it, they barely even have electric in most of the country.
2 :
They are too busy fighting right now
3 :
I am one of these immigration, but not from Irap battle..Anyway I tell you a greast new form Iran today,,, Amir Ebrahimi, the most moral actor join the sex DVD, wow interesting, actually it's her boyfirend start the movie. End of debate, she's absolute safy, but police still looking for the boyfriend...
4 :
An iraqi living in iraq dont be daft
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