Friday, October 7, 2011

arines ignore Taliban cash crop to not upset Afghan locals? Supporters of Iraq war, look at what it cost us

arines ignore Taliban cash crop to not upset Afghan locals? Supporters of Iraq war, look at what it cost us!!
Link--- We are so over are head its not even funny and to think that our leaders keep saying that we are winning the war on terror when the back door is open, maybe some of you could explain why we are not removing this crop and setting up a system to help these people live. Iraq was a lie and has cause so many problems in the world let alone this country its not even funny. 93% of the world supply comes from Afghan, maybe G Bush could wake the hell up and stop the arms supply or is this just a means to further this fight so that more of our countries money is wasted on a war that had nothing to do with 911. Maybe one of you supporter of G Bush can explain why we are letting this crop group when we could remove it and replace it. The effect it would have on the Taliban ability to buy arms that are used against our troops would demish. Please explain why you support this lie of a war called Iraq as well!!!!!!!!
Other - Politics & Government - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Pre Taliban Opium production was very high During Taliban rule, Opium production was almost eradicated. Now it is higher then pre Taliban rule Now the people in Afghanistan are "freer" (sic) and we are not. We are so full of contradictions. We should stay the hell out of other countries, especially ones we do not understand. Why in the hell do we need our troops in 135 countries(1) and no other country even comes close, is beyond common sense. Why the hell we feel it's necessary to sell, at the very least, 39% of the worlds trade in arms (2), no other country even comes close, and some independent studies put ours at up to 60%, is beyond common sense. We call ourselves a religious country -- we sure as hell don't act like it. =============== Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated Confucius 551 - 479 BC =============== Peace Jim .
2 :
Perhaps the DEA should be invited.
3 :
Because, if we stop the flow of money and the Taliban could no longer afford to fight the war, it would possibly end. Now, do you want that? We can't possibly do something like that because it wouldn't be consistent with the utter stupidity that the US government has shown up to this point.
4 :
Mother Nature.
5 :
Looks like some one in the State Dept is getting their pockets lined...just as they did in Vietnam... Wouldn't surprise me to learn that the CIA is flying it out for them... It is a travesty OUR Troops protecting enemy Opium fields...Bush is probably getting a kick back...

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