Polls & Surveys - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
atleast 20 bucks
2 :
a million trillion bucks =) hehe xox <3
3 :
you gonna have to double the amount, and keep in mind that you gonna have to buy 2 houses????????
4 :
there isn't enough in the world
5 :
The smart answer: None
6 :
Just enought to live on, i wouldn't mind, it would be an experience.
7 :
Why do you want to live out there?? I would not even go there if they paid me $50,000,00 to stay for one year! I would not live to spend it
8 :
None. i would never live there. there's a war there.
9 :
They could never print enough money for that to happen..
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