pursue my doctorate study in pharmacy sciences in Kiev university Does life is good there please any help i will thanks forever what is about English does people there know English language or not How good or bad life there and English language please help me
Other - Europe - 2 Answers
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1 :
You will find most or all classes are taught in Ukrainian only. It is a Ukrainian law that all classes, except for international schools, must teach in the Ukrainian language. You will still find many in Eastern Ukraine that will teach in Russian. Although many people have knowledge of English in Kyiv, you will find many reluctant to communicate using it because they have a lack of practice and feel insecure with English. Life in Kyiv is good, and it is an interesting, friendly, and safe culture. In general life, you can survive there as long as you know some basic Ukrainian or Russian. But if you lack those languages, it would be hard to survive without a friend or partner that understand one of those languages and English too.
2 :
Kiev is a very beautiful city. There are a lot of places of interest there. English is not extremely widespread and not every person knows it, but young people will understand at least basic phrases, f.e. where to go, or where you from, they will help you, I think. Life is not bad - salary is 300$ and higher. But there is a problem with apartments. It costs at about the same 300$ and higher. But you can rent a room in apartment for 150$ or about that. But in this case you will live with the owner. I think you will like Ukraine. It is very green. Forests, fields and lakes are outside the towns and parks are in it. Well, unfortunately, there are some people who do not like Asians but they are not numerous. As you are going to study - an advice. Here you can study and pass an exam, but also you can pay. How much? Depends upon university you`re going to study and specialty. Hope I helped you at least a bit and hope you`ll manage to study in Ukraine. Good luck!
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