Monday, September 7, 2009

When the USA-UK led occupying forces free Iraq and live it of its own

When the USA-UK led occupying forces free Iraq and live it of its own?
Enough is enough USA-UK led occupation forces have/had no legal or moral right to be in Iraq on any pretext. Have not learn enough lesson from Vietnam and Afghanistan. Don't put lame excuses that there shall be more blood shed in Iraq if you vultures leave that country. You want oil take as much as you can and make treaty with the puppet government for next 100 years but leave these two countries and let them decide their own fate. Why don't you thing the other way round, suppose Laden is allowed to bring peace in USA and UK and he starts taking one after another plea to remain in those countries what the American Yankees and British gentlemen would do?
Civic Participation - 5 Answers
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1 :
Bin Laden allowed to bring peace???????????? LOL I'm not a big fan of us being in Iraq, but let's make some sense here.
2 :
First I would like to inform you that you are mistaken. We have every moral and legal right to be in Iraq. Saddam brought this on himself and his country by not following the sanctions set down after the first invasion. If the USA is morally wrong for doing what it is doing in Iraq, why has the United Nations not taken action against them? Why do they have allies that support them in their actions? This all supports the fact that you are wrong in your assessment of the situation. Even the people of Iraq, for the most part, are realizing that Al-Qaida are no friends of theirs and want rid of them. Even if Iraq wasn't infested with Al-Qaida at the time of the invasion, you cannot deny that it is now. If we were to leave Iraq right now, the struggle for power would be terrible. Anyone that has half a mind can see this. It has happened time and time again through out history in situations like this. You also falsely claim that the US is only in Iraq for the oil. Can you offer proof of this? No. The US is making no profit from Iraqi oil, although I strongly believe it should, to help repay the debt we have accumulated because of this war. The new government of Iraq has already set up how the money for its oil sales is going to be distributed. Guess what? None of it goes to the US. Do some research. The only thing that Osama Bin Laden wants to bring to the USA and UK is death and destruction. He is a terrorist and will hang from his worthless neck because of it. If feel bad that you have such a bad outlook on the situation in Iraq, but I can promise you that we will not be leaving anytime soon. So you need to get over it. End of story!
3 :
Probably when their respective citizenries want it AND successfully get the message to their elected representatives, like it happened e.g. in Spain (a former ally in the coalition of the willing).
4 :
Ever wonder how they were living in misery with them. When some don't even know how to read and write with communication problems after moving backwards in time without being aware of the mess of their own creation back in the past being expose with time. Ever wonder how do we expect them to move forward with total loss of our creator's universal gifts of life missing inside them? Look around in the real world at the cave-men in clubbing one another like themselves among their own kind without being aware of what they were doing with loss of IQ out there All those for the glory in idol worshiping the dead Mummy blindly searching the way back to the graveyards in bringing them along too in not worshiping God. Ever wonder why Jesus were not dead yet? Ever wonder who is "The super star" Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49
5 :
And you think that Iraq will be allowed to live in peace after the USA-UK leave? Well I would suspect that a deeper power vacuum would be created and a full scale civil war three way, forget three way. untold way would develop with Shiites, Sunni, Kurds all going after each other all funded the Sunnis (Saudi Arabia and Syria) and Shia's (Iran) and anarchy would prevail. Though I hate the US/UK being in there, I shudder the thought of what would happen..If you need an example. Please see Somalia

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