Please don't respond about being for or against the war. This question is, do you feel that it is even possible to understand what its like to live in a war-torn country? Most of us remember the emotions of 9/11- shock, grief, frustration, disruption, loss, pessimism, fear. Can you imagine dealing with it every day? Even in 'minor' wars such as Korea, 4,000,000 people died and 1/3 of all houses were destroyed. Neither side gained anything more than a few acres. Living in a first-world country, is it even possible to grasp the scope of a war on your soil? Here's hoping we never have to. Thank you for thinking. Dammit T-bone, Pete, and Edit, the question is not about Saddam and is not a referendum on the war. I could say what's it like to live in the Congo and you still have to answer the question. mbush, do you really need the 2 points that badly? Mbush, sure, it goes without saying that 'depends who you ask', just like every question in the history of the world. What percentage of the Iraqi population are jihadists? 3 percent? Maybe? I'm just trying to 'play' the tragedy of war as propaganda? Are you arguing that war is not tragic? The question was whether you feel like you can understand what life would be like. It's yes or no from your point of view, not depends who you ask.
Politics - 13 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Ask the people who were devastated before the war by Saddam's regime?
2 :
I imagine it is a lot like living through the bubonic plagues of the 16th Century.
3 :
I would think that it must be pretty scary. With all the violence that's reported, I'm not sure I'd have the nerve to walk out the front door. Talk about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, those citizens have probably surpassed that disorder! I feel for the people that have lost brothers, sons, fathers, children, mothers....Some children can lose an entire family in one split second. I really cannot imagine (accurately) what life must be like for them.
4 :
Probably about as bad as it was when they were worrying about Sadaam gassing and murdering them.
5 :
During WWII we actively as a nation dehumanized the enemy, making them easier to kill. We called them "Japs" "Krauts" We had cartoons that showed "Tojo" with slanted eyes and buck teeth. The Bugs Bunny cartoons showed Hitler to be a stupid buffoon But today, we cry about the enemy, we send them help, we prosecute soldiers that kill them, we complain that they are locked up, we will not let a cartoon of mohammad be shown, we try to imagine "what must it be like to live in Iraq"... We have lost the American strength and common sense that let us once be strong. We are doomed.
6 :
It must be hell.. absolute hell. And i do feel for the mothers and children for most of them probably only want a life.. just a life. But men and governments make war.. why? because they think it is manly. Simple statement but true. There can not be one of them, on their side or ours that truly thinks all this destruction and killing is for any real cause... it is just for finding our which man has the bigger one. I am so sick of it.!
7 :
Well, for me it may not be that hard to imagine. my family is living in constant fear and endless sadness. my uncles and aunts who didnt migrate to australia as we did are stuck in a nation of endless torment and suffering. life is an everyday struggle; and looking back on what had happened in our lives its a miracle we are here to day. i thank god that unlike the nomads of iraq we are here. and hopefully my family back home is safe and in health; however healthy you can be in such a country
8 :
I bet an Insurgent is proud to live in Iraq and battle against the oppression of US Imperialism.When they´ll finaly be victorious, they will proud to say" I was one among those braves".
9 :
in some ways, we did get a small amout in 9/11 and i feel bad for those over there that have nothing to do with this but after 9/11 i would rather the war be fought over there then here
10 :
Do you folks really think it's better for the average Iraqi now? Every week, hundreds are killed, nowhere is safe, you can't go to school or to the hospital or to the market without the risk of some nut blowing himself up and taking you with him. But no one saw this coming. Some sporadic resistance but nothing on these lines. Life gets worse for these poor people everyday. If there was ever an example of "Out of the frying pan, into the fire.", this is it.
11 :
But we will have to one day, it is inevitable, as we are hell-bent on destroying everything, because we are a parasite.
12 :
It would be terrifing. You would have to look over your shoulder 24/7. You would have to watch your kids all the time. I really dont think you could be happy there. Even if you were born and raised there.
13 :
It would depend on who you asked. Did you really need to lose 5 points for asking non-sense? I'm just saying if you are a Jihadist you must love living there right now. If you were a supporter of Al-Queda living in the US during 9/11, it must have been a great feeling. Your just trying to play to the tragedy of war, and not looking for real answers. Don't call me out for dodging your propaganda. War is tragic, is what I'm saying that needs not to be said. We know this. As far as what I, or really any of us who have lived in the US all of their lives, knows how it feels then common sense tells us no we don't. Duh. That is why I said the question is pure propaganda, and agenda driven. I could answer your question with a yes. I did live through 9/11 and remember what that felt like.
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