Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I heard this solution to Iraq today, what do you think

I heard this solution to Iraq today, what do you think?
This person said that if we are to leave the civil war we should send the Iraq Nationals living in the us back to live in Iraq. The reason was offered that the nationals would be a represenative of our society. They would be good for thier country and could field the democracy we Americans live in. Does this make sense to you?
Government - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The thing is, most people immigrate to America because it is much better than the country they are currently living in. That's like asking African Americans to go back to Africa to bring democracy to their warring states of origin.
2 :
No, not really. Sending Iraqis back to Iraq that have immigrated to the United States as representatives of our society doesn't make any sense at all. We have representatives of our society over in Iraq right now, known as the United States Armed Forces (Conservative/Republican) and the American Media (Liberal/Democrat). Pulling out completely is not an option either, as it will just leave Iraq in total chaos and subject to an Iranian takeover. One major solution to this was suggested by the military over in Iraq right now, since they've seen firsthand what works and what doesn't, makes a lot more sense. They've suggested that the American military and media pull back to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the surrounding friendly countries temporarily and let the Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds duke it out until a clear victor or victors have emerged. Following this, the military can go in and help them rebuild their towns and their lives. Also, by pulling back only to nearby countries, the American military would be on hand in case Iran tried to take over or was assisting one side. I believe that, should this happen, the Shiites and Kurds, who are friendly to the United States and are trying to keep control through democracy and not terrorism, would unite against the Sunnis and win quickly. I believe this would be the best way, as it would eliminate a division in the country, which would pave the way for a true democracy in which people don't blow each other up when they're not happy with the outcome. Also, I firmly believe the increase in troops is a good idea, as it will keep Iran from trying anything for now. The Democrats don't look to the future, but only to the here and now. As a senator recently stated: "If we cut and run now, the terrorists will simply follow us home." If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.
3 :
Sounds OK to me we have quite a few here in the UK that came here to get away from Saddam now he has gone they seem reluctant to go back.It is also amazing that they were all young men not many young women amongst them does that mean the women were braver than the men.
4 :
Good God, is your friend fond of mass murder? They'd all be killed! People are currently leaving Iraq in flocks. Here's my proposed solution: Leave the raiding and searching and arresting exclusively to the Iraqis, because we've violated their trust. Anyone arrested for militant violence or terrorism will be tried under Iraqi law under UN observation. No more disappearing suspects, no more U.S. torture prisons. We make sure they can work safely, and create safe jobs through well-guarded reconstruction projects. A lot of people will stop fighting if they feel they can start building a future for their families... in a nation in Iraq's situation, the various warring militant factions can be the only employers! We do NOT build more military bases, and we make sure the Iraqi people know that we have realized that Bush fooled us, that he is their enemy not us, and that we have him under control. The new Congress is a good start for this. Then, when the militia members start defecting, we/the Iraqis can fight the members who are unwilling to change their occupation and arrest and try the leaders who are fighting now because they want a position of power after the war. What do you think of that idea?
5 :
It seems that your friend is not tolerant of diversity. Granted, if they entered this country illegally they should be deported, that goes for all nationalities. That being said we shouldn't make Iraq like the US. Don't force them to become our mirror. They need to keep their culture and traditions and all that "stuff" (for lack of a better term) and just not break any international/moral laws. It's a dumb idea.
6 :
No. Only a person with a paper _ss would even repeat it.

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