Sunday, November 1, 2009

Do you really think there will ever be a time that the Sunnis and the Shites can live peacefully in Iraq

Do you really think there will ever be a time that the Sunnis and the Shites can live peacefully in Iraq?
Without the US or another external military presence forcing the peace? Jason, read the question. I said without the presence of the miltary from another country.
Politics - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
In time perhaps, but not in my lifetime, and it is not our (the USA's) job to be the referee in that battle.
2 :
It's starting to happen now. Violence in Iraq is down significantly. EDIT: That is why we are training the Iraqi Army. Have been doing so for several years. Once their army is fully trained and equipped we will not only not have to worry about that country, we might also have a major ally in the middle east.
3 :
"I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe — I believe what I believe is right." —Rome, Italy, July 22, 2001
4 :
No. Muslims are not peaceful. Anyone who believes they are is living in a dream world. Muslims will never know peace.
5 :
No, but... With the US their they might find common ground with a common enemy.
6 :
They did off and on for hundreds of years. There have been more inter-European wars in the last 500 years than any Sunni vs. Shi'a battles. So, yes, history proves it can happen.
7 :
They might be able to work out a shaky truce, but the source of their conflict is religious in nature which means that logic and reason will take a backseat to complete BS.
8 :
They have been at war with each other for the last 1200 years. No outside force is going to stop them. EVER.

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