Saturday, November 7, 2009

Should the people who protest the war be forced to live in Iraq to see how bad it is

Should the people who protest the war be forced to live in Iraq to see how bad it is?
Since they want us to leave Iraq, should they have to go live there for a year? After that, they will be saying "This country stinks! Someone should do something about this! And we can tell them, WE TRIED TO, BUT YOU WOULDN'T LET US!!! Then, MAYBE, they will be O.K. with us making Iraq a better place.
Politics - 22 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No, the people who support the war should go. You support it, you own it pal. Stop trying to somehow blame us for you and your hero's failures.
2 :
I think there would be more understanding if more people were able to see the real side of Iraq. We certainly don't get that information in our media.
3 :
What I don't understand is why don't the people that support the war join the military and fight the war? I wouldn't have a problem with it at all if all the war supporters put their lives where their beliefs are.
4 :
I think they would just find a way to buy peace credits
5 :
This is a great idea! And I do believe it would work!
6 :
Yes. I think we should send the war protesters over there to fight. Too bad they are all wrinkled up hippies!
7 :
I can see what you are getting at but we want to win this war. Sending war protesters to Iraq to fight would be a horrible idea. They would prefer to hug the enemy...not fight them.
8 :
Flawed argument for several reasons. 1) Iraq was better off before the war. Since the war they have less access to clean water and electricity. 2) One could turn your argument around. Shouldn't those in support of the war have to go live in Iraq under occupation to see how terrible it is to live in a country that is regularly being bombed?
9 :
Your arguement makes a lot of sense if you forget to take reality into consideration. There's rotten stuff going on in almost EVERY COUNTRY. Are we equiped to fight the whole world? You need to remember: the US is not the world power it once was. We cannot AFFORD to get involved in every skirmish and "noble" cause that some opportunist politician drums up to take the focus away from our own issues.
10 :
Iraq is in a state of chaos now BECAUSE we went there.
11 :
You know, I think that would be a good idea, but I think that it wouldn't last but for a few generations, and then people would be back to whining again. After a while, the shock would wear off, and things would be back to how they are now.
12 :
excellent point!
13 :
Uhh...this was a very stupid "question." First of all, the reason people protest the war is because WE ALREADY KNOW HOW BAD IT IS IN IRAQ. And we don't want our soldiers over there losing their lives in a MEANINGLESS WAR. There is no way you can make Iraq a better place, those people have made it clear they don't want to be helped!! Bush needs to realize he ain't the POLICEMAN OF THE WORLD. He's just the policeman of the United States and keep it that way.
14 :
No, you've got it just the opposite. The people who believe in this war are the ones who should be forced to go over to Iraq for a year. Then maybe they'd wake up to the realities of this war? Those of us who are against this war...a good 70% of Americans now, know this war was a mistake. It's people like you who need a good dose of reality. It's a civil war, ok? Please enlighten us as to how our prescence can do anything to resolve a civil war between the Sunni and the Shiites?
15 :
OMG!!! Do you seriously think that Iraq is the way it is by accident? Also, if our mission is to make countries "a better place" than we better get busy. We've got Iran, Syria, N. Korea, Cuba, Somalia, etc.... So is the latest excuse for this war to "make it a better place"? Ridiculous
16 :
This might make sense if our administration, who seem so pro war, also would go live in any one of a hundred other countries that are in far worse condition than Iraq. Ask yourself, why Iraq.. then consider oil. No one, is criticizing the military for being Iraq.. you had no choice.. and yes, I am sure it is bad there.. but it is worse in other places. Children are dying by the thousands every week for lack of food. Why did we not choose to go there... answer.. there is nothing there that Bush wants. So you figure it out.. why do people protest? Because this is a political war.. not a compassionate one. This was all for Bush and his administration. Just pray to God you do not get injured and get sent home to one of the troop hospitals... Bush is cutting funding for them, needs more for his war. You will be forgotten by your government then,. Take care and be careful and God bless you.
17 :
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. The war protesters need to know how bad war is ! We already know what Iraq is like. Car bombs, death squads, frequently no electricity, sometimes bad drinking water,raping, pillaging, looting, and the constant realization that death is hanging over your head. All the result of war. Your the one that should go to Iraq. Maybe, you will be able to figure out that the war is what caused all of that.
18 :
they should be forced to live there just as much as those that support the war should be forced to fight there.
19 :
I did support the War in Iraq. But now I've changed my thinking on it. Here's why: --Many polls from Iraq citizens state that they don't want the US there. Why dodge bullets in a country where you're not wanted? --Many Iraqi citizens sympathize with the insurgents and actually help insurgents plant IED's. --The Iraqi government needs to step up and take on most of the fighting, NOT rely on US soldiers to do it for them. --Fighting for freedom is one thing, but to have it handed to you, is another. --What's the point in fighting in Iraq if US troops have idiotic rules of engagement where they must be fired upon first before they can fire back? Where they must make a bunch of phone calls before they can shoot back at certain enemy targets? Does that make sense? No it doesn't. --What's the point in fighting in Iraq if the US is bringing in tens of thousands of Muslim immigrants? --What's the point in fighting in Iraq if the US has a wide open border 20 million and counting illegals are sneaking in and forming gangs in once safe neighborhoods? I no longer support the war in Iraq but I do support our troops and want them back home -- guarding the border. As it stands, US troops are fighting over there (against there common knowledge or will) so that ten years from Starbucks can open up coffee shops all over the Middle East.
20 :
you just don't get it do you, no one is arguing that Iraq under saddam was a great place, but the fact remains that the invasion of Iraq is NOT accomplishing anything for the USA, it's NOT the USA's job to go around the world invading countries that are not a threat to us and naively assuming that installing a government of our choice by force is going to work out for the best, look at the DISASTER that trying to do so in Iraq has been, it's the height of stupidity to use the us military like this
21 :
no, you are missing the point. we want to leave so the troops aren't in that hell hole. and we can't help any more than we already have. its a civil war and they have to fight it on their own. the best solution is for them to break off into 3 parts
22 :
Wow, you need to read some news. Except for their leadership, the Iraqi people were doing way better off than they are now. Access to water, food, and power has become much worse than before the war. Sectarian violence has skyrocketed since the invasion began, and continues to be fuelled by American partisanship toward certain Iraqi groups (Shi'a and Kurd) while marginalizing the Sunni minority. Sunni suicide bombers now attack civilians, in a country where suicide bombing was virtually unknown pre-war. Shi'a death squads go out to seek revenge against random Sunnis, something that did not occur before the war. Child mortality has increased, access to hospital care has decreased. This is all between the start of the war and the present. Yes, conditions in Iraq are deplorable. But we are not the ones to fix it -- we are the ones that CAUSED it. We may have had good intentions, but we know what hell is paved with. Besides, the troops in Iraq are not there to "do something about" the terrible conditions in that country. The US government has already, repeatedly said that they would like to let the Iraqis deal with their own domestic problems. The soldiers are there to protect US interests in Iraq, to provide limited security to the Green Zone of Baghdad, and to attack insurgents (who are growing by the day due to the continuing US presence). US soldiers are not rebuilding infrastructure or schools or giving Iraqis access to clean water. Iraqis are doing that. US soldiers are simply engaged in a prolonged guerrilla war that is taking the lives of both Iraqis and Americans. By the way, President Bush has had almost four years to "do something about" the conditions in Iraq. Things have only gotten worse. Should we just give him until the end of time? Until every US soldier is dead or injured and Iraq is just a great battlefield? We tried "destroying the village in order to save it" once before -- why would we think that would work this time? God bless our troops and bring them home!

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