Currently, in Iraq, I live in a big warehouse. This warehouse has drop ceilings and is not fully sealed. Consequently, lots of birds have made a home here, leaving lots of droppings on the ceiling and making a lot of noise. Until they come to finally seal this place up, what can I do to help get rid of this pidgeon problem? Thanks! Shooting off random rounds is pretty much a no-no... so lets steer away from "shoot them with your gun".
Maintenance & Repairs - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Shoot them with your rifle.
2 :
Alka Seltzer, dude. Throw it out like bread to the birds. Problem solved.
3 :
You have high-powered guns. There are simple minded pigeons. It seems to me that you should blow the f**k out of those pidgeons.
4 :
An owl is a pigeons natural predator. If you can find an owl, or makeshift a "fake owl" that should help. Ever walk into a store, and they have "fake owls" on the signs, or on the buildings, or over the door? Guess what they're there for??!! GODSPEED!
5 :
A line of repellents using the chemical methyl anthranilate (a type of grape juice extract) is approved for repelling pigeons and other species of birds. Available in both fogging and liquid formulas, this product can provie some repellent protection when used in combination with other tools. Sticky substances (polybutenes) are sold to discourage pigeons and other birds from landing on treated surfaces and are often marketed as "humane." However, The HSUS does not recommend these products because they can adhere to and foul the feathers of pigeons who comes into contact with them, and are even more harmful to smaller species and various "non-target" If that dont work pull out the m203
6 :
Thats a toughy in iraq, but pigeon spikes work. Sheets of plastic with spikes on them so the birds cant perch. Maybe you and your army buddies could fashion something.
7 :
Get a cat or hone your shooting skills with a slug gun. Better still employ some Iraqi kids to catch them and sell them to the restaurant trade as exotic quail, you will make a small fortune , sure there are rich ragheads that will pay big for quail... :)
8 :
Laser pointers sometimes scare them off. Place a carboard cutout or a decoy of a predator bird like a hawk or owl high up somewhere outside.
9 :
When I was in the military part of our normal gear was a "pancho" and a "shelter half"...If you are in Iraq and in the Military, your supplies will be limited such as fake owls etcetera, and not like you can run to the store and obtain whatever supplies necessary to repel them...Use the shelter half or pancho to cover your bedding area to stop the "poo" from dropping on You...This is what these supplies were issued keep rain and other fallout off of you...
10 :
Yes, You can rid of them like in a matter of a couple days. The coolant used in truck radiators known to you as ethylene Glycol is very poisonous to birds . It will kill pigeons. If you soak bread in milk and ethylene glycol and put it as bait the pigeons will love the stuff and of course you will then be rid of them. Glycol is sweeter and they seem to really like the stuff.
11 :
I hate pidgeons...I had an infestation and it took quite a while to get rid of them. What seemed to work was tying up lots of rope and string...they cannot fly through a maze of rope and string...I also had to seal up the holes and nesting places, and place spikes, chicken wire, etc. But even all this effort does not get rid of all of them. I was very tempted to sprinkle mouse poison all around but I didn't want to kill "non-combatants birds or other innocents, and the smell of dead pidgeons is not so great either. Can you expose those hiding areas, ie remove some of the ceiling panels? Pidgeons are fairly easy to trap..and they are pretty tasty too. I suspect there might be a market for live pidgeons in that area.
12 :
If you can spray them with a good water nozzle they will get the idea. You have to do this consistantly,daily etc.
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