Monday, December 14, 2009

I am in Iraq and xbox live doesn't work, is there a way to download content to my computer to put on my xbox

I am in Iraq and xbox live doesn't work, is there a way to download content to my computer to put on my xbox?
I am in Iraq and xbox live doesn't work here but internet does, is there a way to download content to my computer to put on my xbox, in specific I would like to get the new DLC for fallout New Vegas.
Xbox - 1 Answers
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How does your internet work? It should work if your on the computer and able to go to yahoo answers. Maybe you need a 1 month, 3 months, or a year of xbox live gold card. Go to any electronic store in Iraq (No clue where it is there) and buy one of the three cards at the store. I don't know how to get a flashed xbox, heard of it, but you would need someone to create one or sell on to you on ebay, if you want to download DLC content from Fallout New Vegas. You can download it from a torrent and burn it onto a disk, but even then, you would need a flashed xbox to play the disk. You are asking questions beyond my answers, but hopefully my answer helped you somewhat.

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