im marwan i m fireman in baghdad about 7years ago.i can do that and i want welly do that in other cantrey becuse in iraq we cant paeslive becuse the war.plaese i want the help from anyone u can do anythik from 30 years .
Immigration - 1 Answers
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Hi Marwan. It's going to be difficult .You may have to go to another country first . Have seen reports that Sweden has been quite generous and accepting a lot of Iraqis. Our government has been very restrictive about giving visas to Iraqis. They want people to stay , and don't want to start a flood of emmigration that might hurt the country ( even though that's already happening ) Also , to allow as many as they should, to come here, would be admitting that things aren't going as well as they say . If you need a destination , there are a lot of (former) Iraqis (Americans now) , here, in Binghamton , NY . Most came due to the failed Kurdish upring about 10 years ago . ( does the Kurdish part matter to you?) . Having former countrymen around during the transition seems to help a lot . I'll see what I can find , and post it here in a bit . - Mike in Binghamton ************* Back. Here's a place to start . They can answer your questions about how to get started, and possibly help you . As it's Sunday , on a holiday weekend , there might not be anybody there for a couple of days . Don't worry , if you don't get a response right away . This reminds me that I do landscaping work for a former president of the association. If you have trouble getting through , email me . I can ask her , maybe she'd know who to contact. Good Luck . ;D ps : Here's Frank Rich 's Sunday column , on that subject . Wouldn't hurt to send him a message about your situation . Might even help .There is a link , on the left, about 1/3 from the top , to send comments . (You might have to sign up for Times Select , to see it . It's free, & a 1-time thing , so no problem, just an extra step.) Here's the contact page for Senator Kennedy . He's been pushing for more Iraqis to be allowed to come here . It requires a mailing address be filled in . If your own doesn't work , use this fictional one , just so your message gets there : 123 Main St. Binghamton,NY 13905
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