Monday, November 7, 2011

How can I live with my family in safe country????((I am living now in Iraq))

How can I live with my family in safe country????((I am living now in Iraq))?
Pleas help us???????????????/
Immigration - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If the men of Iraq actually had some guts, and gave equal rights to their women, and stood up to the abusive religious zealots, this problem wouldn't exist. If you want to be safe move to North Korea. The people of Iraq are getting what they have been asking for for decades.
2 :
a little ruff dont you think ^jh? ^ ,why dont you apply for citizenship with the u.s. embassy.i am sure they will help or try and go next door to another all means split from that place.its too dangerous.
3 :
Iraq, eh? Well, it's difficult for Iraqis, as you cannot really get refugee status. True, the violence is horrible but the whole country is not embroiled in lawlessness or such. And don't bother to claim that you are from somewhere that you are not- extensive background checks are done on asylum seekers before they are admitted entry to the country. In fact, that'd mean you'd have to immigrate legally, which probably is quite hard, without the money. It seems a bit unfair, and probably is unfair too, but no country is going to go out of their way to grant you a place to stay unless you are a certified refugee or you have enough money or a job in the country waiting for you. The bordering areas of Syria are filling up I hear, with people escaping from Iraq, and it is perhaps not a huge improvement if you went there.
4 :
If the Iraqi had testicles and stood up for their selves by reporting the Nazislamic terrorist it would be safer then just have to work at installing freedoms and combating murdering each other in the name of their hokey religion
5 :
Move to another country legally or illegally. Your pick
6 :
Apply for a visa. The US gave twice as many visas to Iraqis this last year than they year before. Some people in Iraq go to Jordan for visas. There are a ton of Iraqis here, in various areas. Good luck!

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