Monday, August 1, 2011

If i join the army and get deployed to iraq how long do i have to serve there

If i join the army and get deployed to iraq how long do i have to serve there?
so if i do the 9 week basic training program then get sent to iraq right away how long do i have to serve the military so that i can just live in iraq without having to serve the military for the rest of my life.
Military - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you happen to get sent to IRAQ instead of Afghanistan, all tours are 1yr. The Marines have done 6 month rotations.
2 :
You can't just get over there and stay. U will be there as long as your orders tell you to stay and then u come back to finish out your contract. Why would u wanna stay there? Planning on going to terrorist school?
3 :
hes a troll

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