What do you think they are experiencing ........the women......the children.......does anyone know for sure what they are taught there to handle the situation on a daily basis........I noticed you don't see many women and also children on the streets fighting. Do you have suggestions in how these people can work together to try and become stronger and to influence others to work together to try and bring peace to their country?? Also do you think other countries try to stop this fighting? Do you think that other countries sending their soldiers to protect these citizens is really helping or is it causing more killings? I am in a dilemna and am interested in getting back serious feedback to these questions.......the most interesting, logical answers will get my 10 points Thanks everyone who answers.
Military - 2 Answers
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1 :
Daily basis? Kinda hard to answer, but there is a group now called the CLC the Concerned League of Citizens. they find out where ieds are being made, placed, etc... basically citzens that want this conflict to be over and are acting. They are a tremendous asset to U.S. forces. My experience with kids is that they still see us as super-human, they still ask me to turn on my sunglasses (because they think that they have x-ray vision and stuff) when they try them on. Other countries are here, have been here since the beginning. Granted the U.S. has the largest force here, but nevertheless they are with us. This is a complicated issue on which i can only draw from my own experiences, so i hope that ive helped.
2 :
Some of them don't care about peace. Some of them only care about power -- and for them the ends justify the means. They know they can't win popular support. The only way they can control the people is through terror. There are people who still think the way to win an argument is by killing the opposition. It worked a thousand years ago. You had an argument with a neighbor, you, your sons, and maybe a few close relatives would get on your camels and ride a couple days into the desert, and you and your neighbor would duke it out with curved swords until one of you agreed with the other, or one of you was dead. Problem solved. Unfortunately, today your neighbor is across the street. And, instead of curved swords, you use automatic weapons, RPGs, and even missiles. And if you attack him, you also endanger others living nearby. So they and their families get involved. And pretty soon the argument evolves into a war. Sadly, some seem unable to see that. So you have these little wars throughout the Middle East. They're not going to just quit fighting and sit down and talk. It's like Christians fighting over who was Jesus' main apostle. Muslims only have three or four to chose from. Christians have over a dozen. Fortunately, most Christians aren't all that militant. It seems that for many Muslims, this has been part of their culture, ingrained by centuries of brainwashing by clerics. Under Hussein, the citizens of Iraq lived under a reign of terror. While his activities might not have been this destructive, the terrorists are trying to do the same. They're not fighting for Iraq as a country, for the Iraqi people, for independence or freedom for the Iraqi people, or even for Islam. Were the terrorists fighting for the Iraqi people, why would they target them? Were they fighting for the independence or freedom of the Iraqi people, why would they target the elected members of the government and police stations? Were they fighting for Islam, why would they target Iraqi Muslims? If they're fighting for Iraq, it's as a possession. Are the Iraqi people happy with the situation? I can't see how they can be. But they're no longer ignorant. Most understand that we need to be there -- and appreciate our presence. Do they want us gone? I believe they would like to see the end of the NEED for our presence. However I believe they understand why we're there... and why their government keeps begging for us to stay. What do they do each day? Probably what the British did during the Blitz, what the French and Italian people did under the occupation by Hitler. Probably they do what people in every war-torn country do. They go about their daily lives as best they can. Most probably try to remain under the RADAR -- not to invite attention to themselves. I believe there are a great many who try to aid us in any way they can. I know the majority of them treat our troops with respect. Does our presence incite more killings? I think the terrorists would like people to believe that. But it's a smoke screen. The terrorists want to rule by terror. They're killing to show that they can and will. We're just a convenient scapegoat. But, were we to leave, rather than laying their weapons down, the terrorists would redouble their efforts unopposed. The streets would run with the blood of elected officials, people who elected them, and the Iraqi troops and police that sought to protect them. And the UN would impose sanctions. France, Germany, and Russia would make millions violating those sanctions. The people in the US would ask, "Why didn't you finish the job?" Both sides of the aisle would posture. And in about 12 years, some President would would give in and we'd just do this exercise all over again. No other country will send troops. Everybody looks on the United States as the world's police force. It's not something the US wants. Just like local police forces across the US, no matter what we do, it's wrong, it's too much too soon, or it's too little too late. Yet we're the ones to which the world turns. When the tsunami wiped out coastal areas in India.... the US should have stopped it. We did warn India of the possibility. But they didn't have the ability to warn the people. We send money, personnel, and even a hospital ship. The UN said, "You're a rich country, you should provide more." Notwithstanding that we fund the UN, and without us, they wouldn't exist, we sent more money. Why? I have no idea. I'm afraid I'd have said, "Heck, yeah. We'll pay more -- as soon as the UN pays the US about 50 trillion dollars for all the work we've done for it, as soon as Italy, France, each of the countries in Western Europe each pays ten trillion dollars for saving their sorry posteriors, as soon as Japan, Germany, China, North Vietnam, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, all the countries we've had to fight, or who've supplied those we've had to fight, pay us about 10 quadrillion each for the costs we incurred fighting them and the nations they supported... Yeah, when other countries pay what they owe us, we'll send another hospital ship. You want anything else, it'll cost you -- you pay up front. At least the people of the US pay taxes. You don't even do your job." [Sorry, that was my vent. ;-) ]
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